3 Ways Apple Is Changing the Healthcare Industry

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We have some medical news that Apple introduced a series of products at the Apple Event on September 9, and we noticed an interesting step toward accessibility between patients and doctors as part of the new offerings. Last year, Apple introduced HealthKit, which helps users monitor their day-to-day health metrics from their iPhone. Now the company is taking healthcare technology one step further; by bringing communication and education between experts and users into the mix. We curated a list of the top announcements from the Health Updates category of the Apple Event, to help inform you of upcoming possibilities for technology in the healthcare industry.

Airstrip: This is an app available through the Apple Watch that is specifically made for doctors, helping them perform tasks like seeing their next patient’s details before they arrive and analyzing lab results and relevant data.

What it means for the industry: A new era for HIPAA-compliant messaging. Apple is pushing the boundaries of what doctors and patients are able to share through technology, but by making a watch that authenticates doctors while they wear it, they are opening doors for increased accessibility in the future.

Sense4Baby: Apart from the app as a whole, Airstrip also debuted its newest product that can perform remote tests on pregnant women and check on the baby’s health.

What it means for the industry: Open communication between doctor and patient. Not only is this technology making it possible for doctors to keep an eye on expecting mothers, it’s also allowing them to do it with precision by differentiating between the mother’s and baby’s heartbeats. This app could make other types of remote monitoring possible, like surgeons checking on patients’ vitals post-surgery while they’re miles apart.

3D4Medical: This app gives doctors and medical students access to 3D images of the human body, combining animation with the new pencil technology.

What it means for the industry: A new focus on education and training development. We believe in training for the future and making sure up-and-coming surgeons are fully prepared for what’s ahead, whether that’s minimally invasive or robotic surgery, telesurgery or any new surgical technique. With a focus on using new technology to train in the medical industry, expect to see the focus shift more toward developing new and improved training methods.

To see more healthcare news, see how we’re using updated technology to train and educate surgeons as well as perform in-depth research, and see how we can help you with your healthcare technology consulting please click below.


View the entire keynote with information about all of the new offerings and updates online now.




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