book author Charles Towne

About the Author

Charles Towne is an author and newspaper columnist whose life has been and continues to be anything but boring. For his eighty-seventh birthday he celebrated by jumping out of a perfectly good airplane at 14,000 feet! That’s right, sky diving—just another chapter in the volume of his life!

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Charles says that being the father of his four children, Charles Jr., Faith Danna, Theodore Arthur, and Russel Todd, definitely helped prepare him for directing a zoo in Iowa and operating a breeding facility for large cats in Michigan during the next chapter of his story.

Yes, zoo director, breeder of big cats, and wildlife photographer specializing in bears . . . and then, the too-soon death of the mother of his children by a drunk driver. Another chapter.

Eventually Charles met and married his present wife Nancy, the inspiration for this book. Nothing that had gone before could possibly have prepared him for the cascade of tests that were to come, and that is what this book is about.

Twenty-one years of caregiving can present some daunting challenges, many joyous moments, much laughter, a bunch of pain; and many, many victories. Charles poses the question to all of us, “Isn’t that what life on this earth is about?”

Charles has adopted as his life’s philosophy that to live fully, laugh uproariously, love passionately, and learn like there is no tomorrow is a formula for long and joy-filled life.

book cover of Love Cares


Love Cares: Encouraging Words and Stories from an Alzheimer's Caregiver

One man’s prayers and reflections on caring for a loved one. A love story disguised as an advice book.