book cover of Love Cares


Alzheimer’s. Dementia. Such a diagnosis creates fear and apprehension in the hearts of families whose loved one has received it. What to do? Where to turn? Author Charles Towne had such fears and questions as he faced the long-term prospect of his wife’s illness. Through 20 years of caregiving, he found answers. In Love Cares he shares them with you.

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Through short vignettes, Towne details his journey. With honesty and humor, he draws you in as he navigates his challenging life, always relying on Papa God to carry him through the tough times.

Are you or someone you love in the midst of the challenges of caregiving? As you read this book, author Towne wishes you “hope and the realization that your journey, like mine, is purpose driven and, though at times difficult, is likely the most rewarding journey you will ever embark upon.” Because love always cares.


Love Cares is a candid and profoundly inspirational look at caregivers.

--Harold G. Koenig, MD, from the Foreword, Author, The Healing Connection and Kindness and Joy, Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Duke University Health Systems

Love Cares is the Alzheimer’s guide you didn’t know you needed but will be grateful to have found.

--Paula Spencer Scott, Author, Surviving Alzheimer’s: Practical Tips and Soul-Saving Wisdom for Caregivers

This beautiful teaching memoir offers an honest, sometimes humorous, yet loving window into the lives of Towne and his beloved Nan as they navigate the changing landscape of her illness.

--Renee Brown Harmon, MD, Author, Surfing the Waves of Alzheimer’s

If you or someone you love is a caregiver, you owe it to yourself to read this book.

--Ted Hamilton, MD, MBA, Author, Building Bridges

With Love Cares, caregivers will feel they have found a kind, open, and godly friend who “has been there too” and truly knows and cares about what they are going through.

-- Rosemary Laird, MD, Geriatrician, Co-Author, Take Your Oxygen First

Every caregiver should own this book. I believe Love Cares will inspire and bless everyone who reads it.

-- Dr. Judith Hankes, Co-author, Lost & Found and Found Again

Charles Towne keeps your attention from beginning to end with the message that love cares and love prevails.

--Natasa Dragicevic, MD, PhD, Neurologist

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book author Charles Towne

About the Author

Charles Towne’s life has been anything but boring. Zoo director, lion tamer, wildlife photographer . . . but nothing could have prepared him for the challenges that twenty-one years of serving as his wife’s caregiver presented, which is what this book is about. It is his wish that you find the short chapters in Love Cares, if not entertaining, then beneficial in your walk as a caregiver.

Book Information

Product Dimensions: 6 in x 9 in

Language: English:

Available in paperback, eBook, and audiobook at your favorite online store.

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More for Caregivers

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