5 Life-Changing Benefits of Primary Care

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Having a primary care provider helps you better manage chronic diseases and feel more satisfied with your care.

Here are five important ways building a relationship with a primary care provider can improve health care for you and your family.

1. Continuity

Having a single physician who has seen you for everything from headaches to immunizations to blood-pressure control means having a health resource who knows your health history. When you have an appointment, you don't have to explain that there's heart disease in your family or list the medications you're taking — it’s all in your medical record already.

2. Convenience

Within a primary care practice, you can access a wide variety of health services like preventive care and screenings, plus care for chronic conditions such as asthma, hypertension and diabetes, as well as acute care for problems like coughs and high fever.

3. Preventive Care

Your primary care doctor can help you avoid health problems. Based on the doctor’s examination and your medical history, he or she can determine whether you're at increased risk for conditions like diabetes, cancer and heart disease. Then, they can help you take steps to help prevent them from developing.

4. Early Detection

Regular checkups and contact with a single physician mean you can catch health issues early, when they're most treatable.

5. Better Communication

When you know your doctor and their staff, visits are less stressful and more productive. It’s easier to talk about sensitive issues with someone you know in a familiar setting than with a stranger in a new place.

How to Prep for your Primary Care Visit

Unfortunately, we often let hurry, worry or embarrassment keep us from getting what we need from a physician visit. So, how can you maximize one-on-one time with your doctor? Try these tips:

Make a List

Before your appointment, jot down the two or three things you want to ask the doctor so you don’t forget.

Be Specific

Be prepared to describe your symptoms in as much detail as possible. If you're having knee pain, for example, explain what it feels like and when it occurs. Is it sharp or dull? Is it constant or does it come and go?

Get Medicines Checked

If you take several medications that have been prescribed by different doctors, bring a list of them or bring the pill bottles with you.

Speak Up

Don't leave your biggest worry for the end of the visit. Mention major concerns early to be sure there's time to answer your questions.

Don't Try to Be Your Own Doctor

It’s good to do research, but resist jumping to conclusions about your condition.

Summarize What You’ve Learned

Before the doctor leaves the room, ask for the opportunity to repeat back the main things you learned during your visit to help ensure you understood everything fully.

Take Charge of Your Health Today

If you need a primary care physician, we can help. Find an AdventHealth primary care provider near you.

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