5 Questions to Ask After an HIV Diagnosis

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Finding out you tested positive for HIV, or human immunodeficiency virus, is life-changing and understandably frightening. In the beginning, it’s normal to feel overwhelmed by all the information and emotions that come with this diagnosis. But research and modern medicine have made HIV a much more manageable illness than it was decades ago. And it can be treated effectively. Your health care provider can help you move forward so you can stay well and live your best life.

Here are the short answers to some common questions if you’ve recently been diagnosed with HIV. These are also good conversation starters to bring with you when you talk with your provider:

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Live Your Best Life

Even when you find yourself overwhelmed and full of questions, remember that HIV can be treated effectively with HIV medicines. They help people living with HIV to live longer, healthier, fuller lives while reducing the risk of transmitting the virus to others.

Our caring infectious disease specialists are here to help you find the answers and solutions you need. From diagnosis to the latest treatment techniques, you can count on our expert team to help restore your health so you can get back to the life you love.

Learn more here about how we can help you heal in body, mind and spirit.

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