Simple Ways to Show Gratitude

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Feel Whole Challenge Day 11: Think of Someone You’re Grateful for and Tell Them

Can you remember the last time someone told you they were grateful for you? How did it make you feel? Does it happen often? Do you feel like people take you for granted?

Alternatively, when was the last time you told someone you were grateful for them? Do you get so busy that you forget to say thank you? Do you unintentionally take people in your life for granted?

I love the Day 11 Challenge— think of someone you’re grateful for and tell them.

The choice to live a life of gratitude is the choice to see the beauty in the ordinary. The choice to see the beauty in the suffering. The choice to see the beauty in the struggles. As we make gratitude a part of our lives, we begin to see life through a different lens. We begin to see the people around us through a different lens.

The more we begin to feel gratitude, the more we will begin to show that gratitude and thanksgiving to others. I love what Ann Voskamp says in her book 1000 Gifts: “A life contemplating the blessings of Christ becomes a life acting the love of Christ.”

There are many ways to tell someone you are grateful for them.

The most straightforward and simple way is to do just that: tell them. Through words— whether face-to-face or on the phone. This is such a beautiful and sincere way for someone to know you appreciate them. To hear your voice.

Another way to express gratitude is through a letter. For some, this may be easier and feel more natural than speaking face-to-face or on the phone. Some people are born writers. In addition, there are numerous cards available to purchase which express feelings in beautiful and poignant ways. Other people may enjoy making their own cards as a way to show thanks.

In addition to the above, there are infinite ways to show people you are grateful for them. Some of my favorites include:

  1. Spend time together. In a world that is often dictated by busy schedules and lists, time is a gift like no other. The mere act of making time for someone is a way to show you are grateful for them.
  2. Cook and deliver a meal. Sharing the gift of food can be a great way to show someone you are grateful for them. Not only does it give them a night off from cooking, but as you take time to prepare and share your meal, it shows them you care.
  3. Give them flowers. This can be so simple and does not need to be extravagant. You can pick flowers from your yard and arrange them nicely to share as a gift, or most local grocers now sell flowers at reasonable prices without much planning needing. Flowers are a beautiful way to express your gratitude, and will give the recipient something to enjoy for a few days or more.
  4. Help them. Is there something this person could use help with? Are they older and in need of a hand moving something inside their home? Could you do an errand for them? The ideas for helping someone are limitless. Think about their individual situation and get creative.

Telling someone you appreciate them through words or actions will not only bring them joy, but it will also bring you joy. As you actively seek to show someone you are grateful for them, you become more aware of the blessing they have been to you.

This quote from Robert Holden sums this up beautifully: “The real gift of gratitude is that the more grateful you are, the more present you become.”

It’s your turn. Ask yourself, who do you need to say thank you to today? What are you going to do?

The opinions in this blog have been written by a sponsored guest blogger, who is not an AdventHealth employee. This material is intended for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for examination, diagnosis and medical care provided by a licensed and qualified health professional. Please consult your physician before undertaking any form of medical treatment and/or adopting any exercise program or dietary guidelines. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call 911 immediately.

Headshot of writer Ginger Unzueta

Author: Ginger Unzueta
Ginger is a spiritual photographer who loves capturing special moments of her family. She believes that beauty can be found in every day and celebrates the silly, messy and magical moments of motherhood. She uses her photography to show the expressions of what being a mom is like and all the smiles that go with it.

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