Global Mission Initiatives

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Uniting Care For A Shattered Island

Before the ground below millions of unsuspecting feet began trembling and hundreds of thousands perished or became homeless, Haiti was already a nation hit hard. A long history of social, economic and governmental failings had rendered Haiti as one of the poorest countries in the Western hemisphere. And yet, hope remains among its people. We see that hope both in Haiti and here at AdventHealth, especially among those with strong ties to their homeland.

"I want to help my people and my nation by trying to make health care better for my country. It is an honor to be able to visit Haiti to reorganize the hospital in order to make it a safer place." -Philemon Genestan

For this country devastated by the earth's movement, we will do nothing short of moving mountains for its promising return.

Last year, AdventHealth's Global Mission Initiatives (GMI) brought a full team of Environmental Services employees to Haiti Adventist Hospital, located on the outskirts of the shattered capital of Port-Au-Prince and one of the few care facilities still operational. There, they taught their counterparts how to implement sustainable sanitation management, and delivered proper cleaning equipment and supplies to maintain optimum sanitation standards. Much of this effort came at a crucial time, when cholera outbreaks threatened the lives of many more fragile earthquake survivors.

"Implementing sustainable sanitation operations is essential to the success of a health care facility," said Terry Owen, senior vice president for AdventHealth. "We want to help improve the state of health care in the country to ensure that good, quality services are provided." Because of the widespread health care challenges the people of Haiti will face in the foreseeable future, Haiti Adventist Hospital was designated as a "Footprint" project by the GMI team. This means that AdventHealth has made a long­ term commitment to the country and will stand united with the people of Haiti on their long path to rebuilding.

"We have conducted numerous medical missions to Haiti, especially since the earthquake devastated the area, providing both supplies and medical personnel," added Owen. "Now, we are taking our assistance a step further to teach protocols and processes that will make the hospital safer and improve the quality of health care in Haiti."

In addition to contributing medical supplies, health care personnel, and sanitation education and training, the GMI team is also helping Haiti Adventist Hospital remodel patient areas and construct safe housing for health care workers. Improved facilities for laundry, kitchen, laboratory and other areas are also on the horizon.

"I want to help my people and my nation by trying to make health care better for my country," said Philemon Genestan, a member of AdventHealth's Environmental Services team. "It is an honor to be able to visit Haiti to reorganize the hospital in order to make it a safer place." Genestan's sentiment is felt deeply within our community. One does not have to be Haitian to feel the palpable sense of dedication that we, and many of our like-minded partners throughout the world, have toward Haiti's successful rebuilding. For this country devastated by the earth's movement, we will do nothing short of moving mountains for its promising return."

For additional information about Global Mission Initiatives, please visit AdventHealth Global Missions

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