Recent Blogs
Coronavirus Resources
COVID-19: Transitioning From Pandemic to Endemic
Estimated read time:When will COVID-19 become endemic? Learn more about what experts are saying in our blog.
Coronavirus Resources
Why Getting a Flu Shot Is More Important Than Ever
Estimated read time:Benefits and importance of getting a flu vaccine during the pandemic
Health Care
Making the Most of Your Child’s Back-To-School Physical
Estimated read time:Your child’s back-to-school physical is a great way to start the school year in the healthiest way possible. Know how to prepare and make the most of this annual visit.
Coronavirus Resources
Masks Lower the Risk of Spreading or Getting COVID-19 by More Than 70%, Studies Show
Estimated read time:Your mask can block virus particles that you exhale and can protect you from respiratory droplets from others, too.
Public Health
Blood Donations Critical During COVID-19
Estimated read time:Donated blood from those who are healthy and the blood plasma of recently-recovered coronavirus patients is needed now more than ever.
Coronavirus Resources
The Truth About Coronavirus Vaccine Myths
Estimated read time:With the first coronavirus vaccine coming soon, get the facts about the vaccine so you can feel informed and confident.
Coronavirus Resources
COVID-19 Isn’t Over: Here’s How to Remain Safe
Estimated read time:The CDC recommends creating a household plan to help protect your health and the health of those you care about. Here’s an isolation strategy if a family member has or is suspected of having COVID-19...
Coronavirus Resources
How to Navigate Family Disagreements on COVID-19 Risk
Estimated read time:Maybe your aunt won’t wear a mask, or your sibling won’t socially distance. How can you keep your family relationships steady while disagreeing on coronavirus precautions? Try these tips.
Public Health
How to Safely Cast Your Vote During a Pandemic
Estimated read time:November 3 marks voting day across the country, and that has many feeling uneasy as we’re also battling the COVID-19 pandemic. Whichever method you decide to use to cast your vote this year, we’re...