Older couple riding bicycles outdoors.

Join Us On a Journey

This year’s Spiritual Renewal Series highlights wholeness and what it means — for you, for AdventHealth and for others who have joined us.

Let’s journey together over four consecutive weeks starting Monday, March 13. Each Monday during the series, a new video will be released below.

  • Monday, March 13: One Obvious Answer
  • Monday, March 20: Stand Still and See
  • Monday, March 27: Moments Matter
  • Monday, April 3: Imagine Wholeness
Mother and daughter gardening in a flower bed.

Sign Up and Never Miss an Update

We invite you to visit this site every week when each new video releases. You can also have the videos sent right to your email or phone. Click the button below to sign up for emails. Text renewal to Call844-544-4465 to sign up for the text messages.

Spiritual Renewal Series Weekly Videos

Week One

One Obvious Answer

One Obvious Answer

Some questions have seemingly obvious answers.Randy tells the story of his proposal to his wife. To him, there was only one obvious answer to his question and sets up the proposal to reflect two answers—“Yes” and “Absolutely.” He then tells the story of the lame man at the pool of Bethesda where Jesus asks a question with a seemingly obvious answer,“Do you want to be whole?” He goes on to talk about how we live divided lives that can pull us away from wholeness, but it is possible to return to wholeness through God.

Music Performance Video (created by the AdventHealth Music and the Arts department): Even If by Mercy Me

Even If

Week Two

Stand Still and See

Stand Still and See

We have competing priorities every day. Chris tells the story of Jesus’ healing of a woman with a 12-year bleeding problem and the raising of a 12-year-old girl from the dead. Jesus is faced with competing priorities—stop and listen to a woman’s story or save a young girl from dying. She goes on to talk about the ramifications of promising to “stand still and see” the whole person among the competing priorities of life.

Music Performance Video (created by the AdventHealth Music and the Arts department): Clean by Natalie Grant


Week Three

Moments Matter

Moments Matter

Wholeness moments make a difference. David talks about the origins of “feel whole” and what it means to have wholeness moments.He tells the story of his father and a moment a hospice nurse created by bringing the Banks’ family story to the front.

Music Performance Video (created by the AdventHealth Music and the Arts department): Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone) by Chris Tomlin

2023 Spiritual Renewal Series: Amazing Grace

Week Four

Imagine Wholeness

Imagine Wholeness

Carla explains what it means to “feel whole” through four personal stories—a story about belonging, a story about wellness, a story about fulfillment and a story about purpose. Then she invites viewers to imagine wholeness for themselves and others.

Music Performance Video (created by the AdventHealth Music and the Arts department): Imagine Wholeness by Chad Carlson,Richard Hickam, Rich Moats

Imagine Wholeness

Woman using her phone while at a park.

Share Your Wholeness Moment

We want to hear about how you’ve experienced wholeness in your life. Think of a time you felt whole. Perhaps you spent the day with a loved one, engaged in a meaningful conversation, had a spiritual experience, created art or cooked your favorite food.