AdventHealth Polk Foundation

Your Generosity Heals

Thanks to community members, we funded a 3D mammography system at AdventHealth Lake Wales.

Between January and August 2024, we have seen more than 600 women.

An elderly woman lifting weights at the gym.

Heart of Florida Cardiac Rehabilitation Expansion

At AdventHealth Heart of Florida, hearts – and whole health – are in good hands. Experienced and compassionate cardiologists are by your side every step of the way, explaining test results, discussing next steps, and working together so you and your loved ones can enjoy life to its fullest.

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in men and women in the United States, and Polk County is no exception. Polk’s rate is higher than the overall rate for Florida, with 308 deaths per 100,000 people.

Nationally, approximately every 60 seconds, someone dies of a coronary event. Coronary heart disease causes one out of every four deaths, that’s more than 630,000 people passing away a year. Heart disease affects us all in some way, directly or indirectly.

That’s why we are fortunate to have world-class heart care at AdventHealth Heart of Florida.

Cardiac rehabilitation is critical to healing and recovery. In cardiac rehabilitation, patients work closely with nurses and exercise specialists and often receive a blend of treatments including exercise therapy, education, medical management, and psychological support.

Our AdventHealth Heart of Florida cardiac rehabilitation shares a small area of outpatient rehabilitation. This space restriction limits the number of patients we can can treat pre- and post- heart procedures. Additionally, due to space limitations, we’re unable to provide pulmonary rehabilitation, another key component of whole cardiopulmonary care.

With a new cardiac rehabilitation space, we can grow the number of patients we care for from approximately 100 per year to more than 400 per year.
The plans for this expansion will increase the cardiac rehabilitation area to 3,000 square feet and include the purchase of equipment that’s necessary to adequately serve heart patients.

It is through collaboration and partnerships with individuals, companies and organizations that we can fund a cardiac rehabilitation expansion and bring more lifesaving care to AdventHealth Heart of Florida.

Lake Wales DEXA Scanner

DEXA scans are primarily used to detect weak or brittle bones to predict the risk of future fractures and monitor bone density changes over time to determine if it is improving, worsening, or remaining stable.

Bone health is a critical issue affecting millions of Americans. Alarmingly, one in two women and up to one in four men over the age of 50 will experience a bone fracture due to osteoporosis, contributing to an estimated two million broken bones each year. These fractures can have severe consequences for older adults, including long-term disability and decreased quality of life. An accurate and timely diagnosis through a DEXA scan can enable patients and their health care providers to develop effective strategies to enhance bone strength and prevent further deterioration.

Your generous donation will directly support the early detection and treatment of osteoporosis. This vital tool will help us provide better care and improve the quality of life for countless individuals at risk of bone fractures.

Area of Greatest Need

Our AdventHealth Polk Foundation’s goal is simple: support programs and needs that serve Heart of Florida and Lake Wales patients, guests, and team members.

By partnering with us to support our areas of greatest need, you have the opportunity to move health forward by funding patient care priorities. Your donations stay within our hospital and 100% goes to the area you designate.

Thanks to generous contributions from community members, our Foundation funds programs that shape the future of innovative, whole-person care.

We hope you'll join us to experience how generosity heals.

Volunteer Leadership - Board of Directors

Robert “Rob” McCollum, Board Chair - Bank of Central Florida, Polk Market Executive

Bruce Davis, Past Board Chair - Bruce Davis & Associates, Owner

Robert Loftin, Board Vice Chair - Citizens Bank & Trust, Senior Vice President

Kaelynn Mahalak, Treasurer & Secretary - Encore

Megan Adams – Community Advocate

JD Alexander – Entrepreneur

Gary Boyer – Boyer Building Corporation, Founder and President

Chris Chartrand – Kegel, President and CEO

Donna Fellows-Coffey – FCD Enterprises

Nikki Hayde – Florida’s Natural Grower’s Foundation, President

Roger Ingley, Esquire – Bunting, Tripp & Ingley, LPP

Rex Jackson – LEGOLAND Florida, President

Garrett “Gary” Kenny – Feltrim Group, CEO

Donald “Don” Mason – Entrepreneur

Louis “Warren” McKnight – Holly Hill Fruit Products Co., Inc, President and CEO

John Motis - Chemical Containers, Inc., President

James Pilkington, MD – AdventHealth Lake Wales

Ernest “Ernie” Pinner – SouthState Bank

Victor “Vic” Story – The Story Companies, President and Chairman of the Board

Jeremy Voss – Springer Voss Construction, Inc.

John Webb – Webb’s Realty, Owner / Broker

Philip Weikert – Weikert Ford, Owner

Diana Williams – Heritage Land Company, Co-Owner

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