Help the Young People in Your Life Manage Stress as They Transition Into Adulthood

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There’s nothing quite like young adulthood. So many exciting things are happening after all. Young adults may be moving into their own homes, establishing careers or even thinking about settling down with a significant other.

Once you’ve passed that phase of life, you tend to remember the excitement and forget the unique set of challenges it brings. But for most, learning to manage finances and balance the many relationships in their lives can feel overwhelming. If there’s a young adult in your life having a hard time navigating these milestones, there are many ways you can help them reduce stress and improve their well-being.

How You Can Help

While stress is a normal part of life, it cannot be avoided completely. And living with too much stress on a daily basis can lead to physical and mental health conditions. Help the young adults in your life manage their stress by encouraging them to:

Stay Healthy

Feeling good physically and staying active can play a big part in reducing stress. If your young adult asks for advice, offer to help with:

  • Food Budgeting
  • Grocery Shopping
  • Healthy Meal Planning
  • Ideas for Easy Meals (Especially During the Busy Workweek)

Another important aspect of staying healthy is keeping up with preventive health visits. Encourage your young adult to see their primary care provider (PCP) regularly, as well as specialists such as a gynecologist and dentist.

Enjoy the Journey

As the old saying goes, “Comparison is the thief of joy.” This is especially true for young, impressionable adults who haven’t quite made their way in the world yet. They often compare themselves to friends who are already married, have bought their own home or are starting a family.

If you sense this is happening with your loved one, a gentle reminder they have the rest of their lives to be adults — and that these things will surely come in time — can help. Urge them to remember they don’t have to tic off every box this year, or even in the next five years. Helping them enjoy the phase of life they’re currently in, along with the fun and freedom it affords, is good for their physical, emotional and spiritual health.

Make Time for Fun

Encourage your young adult to regularly take time for activities he or she enjoys. This might mean attending a weekly yoga class, taking a cooking class, shopping at the local farmer’s market or taking up a new hobby such as sewing or painting. Regularly engaging in healthy, enjoyable pastimes is a great way to reduce stress and stay healthy.

Maintain Key Connections

We get it — everyone is busy. But it’s important for your young adult to maintain key connections and relationships. This means anything from regular visits with family and friends to participation in organized teams or social gatherings. Taking the time to connect with others is critical to maintain a healthy stress level. It also provides an outlet for discussing day-to-day life challenges.

Be Proactive

Young adulthood is the perfect time to learn the importance of taking control of problems before they take control of you. If your young adult feels out of control with bills and finances, suggest he or she seeks the services of a reputable financial counselor or advisor to help get back on track. Other strategies like working with student loan lenders to request an income-based repayment plan (with lower monthly payments) can also be helpful.

Support Your Young Adult During This Important Life Phase

Have a casual lunch or coffee with your young adult to chat about what’s going on in life. Staying attuned to his or her stress level, and offering helpful strategies, can bring some calm and peace of mind to a potentially chaotic time.

For more whole health strategies, explore the CREATION Life Principles.

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