The Postpartum Road to Recovery

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With the postpartum journey comes a whole new batch of emotions and questions. And with so much going on in your new life, it’s important to keep postpartum appointments with your OB/GYN so you can work toward your recovery together.

Around the six-week point after childbirth, most new moms who had a vaginal delivery will visit their doctor for a postpartum checkup. For moms who had a cesarean birth, your specialist will likely want to see you sooner — around two-weeks postpartum, to examine your incision. Depending on your physical exam, you may be asked to return a few weeks later.

At your first postpartum visit, your doctor will make sure you’re healing physically and emotionally. Your team of care specialists will check your blood pressure and ask about any discomfort you’re feeling. They will also ask if you’re having any issues breastfeeding or trouble with stitches, if applicable. This appointment would be a good time to bring up any physical discomforts, like backaches, abdominal pain, constipation, hemorrhoids, soreness and bleeding.

The emotional exam that your doctor will conduct is just as important as the physical exam. You’ll likely be asked if you’re experiencing baby blues — meaning feeling tired, worried or sad after you’ve given birth. Usually, if you do experience these feelings, it’ll go away within a few days. If it doesn’t, it’s important to be honest with your doctor and discuss the possibility of postpartum depression. Remember, your care team is here to help you understand all the new feelings you’re discovering.

To learn more or to speak with our Women’s Health Navigator, visit, or call Call407-720-5191.

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