Trust God for Spiritual Guidance — It’s Good for Your Psyche

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God cares about your well-being. That’s why we enjoy sharing reminders about His concern for you, His presence with you and His delight in you. Here’s a story you may relate to — even if you’ve never been skydiving.

Taking the Leap of a Lifetime

Kay was a young wife and mother about to jump out of a plane to fulfill a promise she and her twin brother had made to each other: When they turned 35, they would mark the day with a parachute jump. Only now she was afraid that 35 would be her last birthday.

The only thing that kept Kay from having a complete meltdown was knowing she would make the leap while attached to the back of a highly experienced skydiver. They would dive as one, and she would trust in his expertise, knowledge and wisdom to get her through it.

And that’s exactly what happened. Plunging through the sky was exhilarating, terrifying and unlike anything she’d ever done before. Afterward, she was glad she did it, and it was all thanks to the skydiving pro. Kay had put her trust in someone who knew exactly how to get her safely back on land.

Trusting God Through Life’s Ups and Downs

While you may never jump from a plane, life can sometimes feel like a free fall. Whether it’s the little things that increase everyday pressure, like overdue bills and overwhelming schedules, or major life events, stress can build until we wonder how we’ll be able to maintain our mental health.

But luckily, life holds many joys as well. There are times when everything seems to flow and your mind is energized and vibrant, yet also at peace. It’s not just joyful circumstances that can cause this kind of mental ease, it’s trusting in God.

A sense of peace can come from trusting that God is with us whether we’re plunging through the depths of despair or flying high with joy. Here are a few ways to trust God to make a difference in your life.

Trust That God Is Concerned About You

Researchers have found that those with a strong belief in a personal and concerned God are more likely to see their negative situation get better. Study participants also responded better to medicines, which researchers learned had more to do with specifically believing there was a God who cared and less to do with only having a feeling of hope. Putting your trust in God’s concern for you can be motivating and healing.

Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.

– 1 Peter 5:7, NIV

Trust That God Is There for You

Sometimes when you’re feeling stressed or down, it’s easy to think that God has moved away from you. That’s when it’s even more important to understand that it’s your feelings and your symptoms causing the sense of separation — not that God has distanced Himself from you. Remind yourself that by the Spirit of Christ, you always have access to His presence and that He wants to be close to you. Trust that He’s there.

…because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."

– Hebrews 13:5, NIV

Trust That God Can Uplift You

When you’ve been through a particularly difficult time, it’s easy to think of an angry God who’s waiting to strike at us. Nothing could be further from the truth. Trusting that God delights in you and wants you to enjoy your life can boost your spirit when you’re feeling lonely, misunderstood or just need to be reminded that you’re His special creation — His masterpiece.

The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in His love, He will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.

– Zephaniah 3:17

Remember, if you can trust a person to help you jump from a plane or just repair the brakes on your car, how much more can God be trusted to strengthen you?

God Cares About Your Whole Health

That’s why He’s put trusted professionals in place at AdventHealth to provide the medical answers you need, offer emotional support and guide you toward a stronger relationship with Him.

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