With Hard Work Comes Strength and Renewal Let Us Help You Get Back to Your Best
Your body is wonderfully capable. From a morning walk on the beach to an evening bike ride through the neighborhood, you can do all the things that make you feel great. But sometimes, you hit a limitation due to an injury or illness or just overuse.
Whether you’ve suffered a recent injury or complications from a chronic illness or pelvic floor condition, our physical, occupational, and speech therapists will work with you to develop a plan to help you achieve the highest levels of whole-person health possible. We're here to help you move past the pain and back to the life you deserve.
To schedule your outpatient physical, occupational or speech therapy appointment, call 352-521-1193.
We’re here to help you find the right physician or a location that’s convenient for you.
Helping You Regain Your Independence Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Services
- Outpatient Physical Therapy
You’re ready to get back to your old self again — moving freely, enjoying a familiar range of motion and fully participating in the life you love. We’re ready to help you get there. After collaborating with your physician to develop a customized treatment plan, your therapist will work with you until you’ve achieved your goals. One-on-one therapy sessions take place in our Outpatient Rehabilitation Department located inside AdventHealth Zephyrhills.
* Free and Complementary valet parking available
Your physical therapist can help you improve strength and flexibility that may have been lost due to a wide range of functional impairments, including but not limited to:
- Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation and Incontinence Management
- Pregnancy and Post- Partum Rehabilitation
- Vestibular/Vertigo, Concussion, and Migraine Rehabilitation
- Oncology Rehabilitation
- Neurological Rehabilitation– Stroke, Spinal Cord Injury, Traumatic Brain Injury
- Parkinson’s Disease – LSVT BIG Program
- Balance/Fall Prevention Rehabilitation (vertigo, BBPV, frequent falls, etc.)
- Comprehensive and General Conditions (frozen shoulder, arthritis, rotator cuff injury, back pain, plantar fasciitis, etc.)
- Postoperative Rehabilitation (Rotator cuff repair, joint replacement, etc.)
As you work through your plan, we’ll be there to provide guidance, resources, and encouragement until your goals are met. Throughout your physical therapy, our goal is your goal: Getting you back to your best, so you can get back to enjoying the activities you love.
We accept most health insurances (Workers Compensation, Medicare, Medicaid, and Private Insurances).
Call Call352-521-1193 and we will verify your benefits.
- Hand Therapy
At AdventHealth Dade City, we understand that when your hand or wrist is stiff and sore, the simplest daily activities can be tough. It becomes hard to write, work and even hug the people you love, and that can take a toll. That’s why we take a whole-person approach to your care — because we know that easing your mind and lifting your spirits can work wonders along your path to wellness. We care for a range of hand and wrist conditions, including:
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Trigger finger
- Soft tissue injury
- Tendon repair
- Arthritis
- Fractures
- Amputation
- Pre-and post-surgical recovery
Treatments can include:
- ROM activities to increased mobility and function of a joint
- Techniques to reduce pain and inflammation
- Generalized coordination and strengthening programs
- Fabrication and customization of orthotics including static, static progressive, and dynamic orthotics
Your team will work closely with you to get to the root cause of the problem and build your personalized treatment plan to help you restore mobility and build strength
- Lymphedema Therapy
Lymphedema is the swelling of one of your body parts. Usually, lymphedema affects your arms or legs and is limited to one limb. However, lymphedema can involve your face, trunk, abdomen or genitals. This condition is the result of an accumulation of protein-rich fluid in your tissues. AdventHealth Dade City designs an outpatient therapy plan to best meet your unique needs. Based on physicians’ recommendations, we offer lymphedema patients a two-part treatment plan that’s proven to have the best results and is also the least invasive.
Treatment - Part One
At AdventHealth Dade City, a licensed Occupational or Physical Therapist will guide you through what’s called Complete Decongestive Therapy. You’ll attend up to five therapy sessions weekly for several weeks, or until your swelling is reduced to its lowest possible level. You’ll then be fitted with a graduated compression garment. Here’s what you can expect during the first treatment stage:- Meticulous skin care and learning how to do this yourself
- Manual lymphatic drainage
- Bandaging/graduated compression therapy
- Therapeutic exercises
Treatment - Part Two
You’ll now play a bigger role in your self-care. Your therapist will work with you to ensure that you understand how to properly do all of the things outlined in the first treatment phase. This is an important part of the ongoing care you’ll do regularly to manage your lymphedema. - Occupational Therapy
You’ve been independent your whole life and are used to taking care of yourself. When injury or disease step in to your life and make daily activities difficult, count on our occupational therapists to help guide you back to self-sufficiency.
In conjunction with your physician, your occupational therapy team will work with you to relearn skills such as bathing, dressing, grooming, feeding and homemaking. This therapy will also help you relearn how to process information and improve judgment and memory. In addition to these skills, our therapists specialize in hand therapy for those looking to regain dexterity.
Our occupational therapy team can provide the following treatment options:
- Lymphedema Therapy and Edema Management
- Hand Therapy and Custom Splinting
- IADL Program
- Comprehensive, General Condition, and Postoperative Rehabilitation
- Neurological Rehabilitation– Parkinson's, Stroke, Spinal Cord Injury, Traumatic Brain Injury these skills, our therapists specialize in hand therapy for those looking to regain dexterity.
- Speech and Language Therapy
If you are having problems with your voice or difficulty with communication or memory, the speech and language pathologists at AdventHealth Zephyrhills are here to help you. We will work with you to provide the following treatments:
- Cognition Therapy
- Oncology Rehabilitation
- Vocal Cord Dysfunction Therapy
- VitalStim® Therapy Certified - For swallowing disorders
- Comprehensive, General Condition, and Postoperative Rehabilitation
- Neurological Rehabilitation– Parkinson's, Stroke, Spinal Cord Injury, Traumatic Brain Injury
- Parkinson's Disease Therapy
Research suggests that those with Parkinson’s disease should NOT wait until you begin to experience disability, impaired function, or loss of balance to start exercise-based physical and occupational therapy. With more than 20 years of research funded by the National Institute of Health, Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT) BIG® is a standardized treatment with documented success.
LSVT BIG® exercise techniques train individuals to use bigger movements to improve and maintain their physical abilities. This treatment encourages individuals to keep moving and to stay active in daily living.
Improvements may include the following:
- Faster walking with bigger steps
- Improved balance
- Increased trunk rotation
Our certified LSVT BIG® therapists will teach you how to avoid inactivity and keep your movements alive.
- Pelvic Health and Obstetric Therapy
Rehabilitation for pelvic health focuses on improving the function of your pelvic floor muscles and pelvic girdle. These muscles are essential for supporting your core, bowel, bladder and sexual function. We understand the need for modesty and offer private treatment rooms for complete discretion. You’ll be paired with a pelvic health therapist who will offer personalized one-on-one treatments to help you strengthen your pelvic floor muscles and restore a better quality of life.
Our Pelvic Health Therapists treat both men and women, ages 10 and up.
We provide a variety of Women’s and Men Health Services to treat the following:- Nerve compression or impingement (like sciatica)
- Pain in the pelvis, low back, hips, tailbone, or legs
- Pelvic organ prolapse (feeling pressure or heaviness “down there”)
- Painful bladder or incontinence (loss of bladder or bowel control)
- Diastasis recti (core weakness / abdominal separation)
- Abdominal and pelvic pain from endometriosis, menses, hernias
- Constipation and difficulty fully emptying bladder or bowels
- Painful intercourse or orgasm/ Erectile dysfunction or painful ejaculation
- Scar pain or mobility restrictions from cesarean, pelvic area, and abdominal surgeries
- Round ligament pain (pain in lower abdomen or groin)
- Urinary dribbles, weak stream, strong urge to urinate, frequent urination
- Post pelvic surgeries (prostatectomy, prolapse repair, bladder sling, etc.)
- Pregnancy postural changes and postpartum challenges
- Connective tissue and hypermobility condition of the joints
After discussing your concerns, assessing your posture, mobility, and abdominal/pelvic function, your pelvic health therapist may recommend and provide some of the following interventions:
*Only with patient consent and recommendation, an internal pelvic examination may be performed.
- Prenatal and postnatal exercise prescription, including high risk pregnancies
- Prostatectomy preparation and post-surgical recovery
- Delivery preparation and postpartum recovery
- Lymphatic massage and manual therapy
- Muscle energy techniques
- Pelvic floor exercises
- Neuromuscular training and stabilization exercises
- Education regarding positioning and body mechanics
- Biofeedback to train targeted muscles
- Therapeutic ultrasound and electrical stimulation
- Education regarding positioning, diet, lifestyle, and body mechanics
- Vestibular Rehab
You never have to face recovery alone. At every turn, we provide comprehensive care and support to help you stride confidently toward whole-person wellness. Our vestibular rehabilitation services include:
- Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
- Cervicogenic dizziness
- Chronic dizziness
- Concussion syndrome
- Labyrinthitis
- Stroke
- Vestibular neuritis

Slow and Steady Wins Sports Medicine and Rehab Care You Can Count On
You’ve got this, because you’ve got us. Get the care and support you need to get back in the game.
From Treatment to Recovery A Customized Playbook
It can be a difficult balancing act: You want to re-engage in your active life. But you also need to take the time to heal. We're here to help you stay on a safe and steady course to recovery. Using your customized care plan as their guide, our multidisciplinary team will connect you to the medical professionals, community resources, and local support services you need to help you get back to doing all the things you love. To schedule your outpatient physical, occupational or speech therapy appointment, call 352-521-1193.