Park Ridge Health Celebrates New DAISY Award Recipients

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Hendersonville, N.C. (November 29, 2018) Park Ridge Health invites the community to join us in congratulating our newest winners of the DAISY Award Laura Clarke, RNC-OB, CNM, MSN and Amanda Gates, BSN, RN, MAOM, L.Ac. Laura and Amanda are part of the Park Ridge Health Baby Place team. Their clinical skill and compassionate care are noticed by fellow co-workers and patients that they care for every day.

Here is just a portion of the letter nominating Laura and Sarah for the DAISY Award:

I [patient] was in labor and delivery being induced on June 12, 2018. I had a cord prolapse. Laura and Amanda reacted quickly and kept a clear head to do everything needed to save baby girl Emalee and myself. Had they not reacted, as quickly, there could have been a much different outcome, says Elizabeth Pitts.

Laura Clarke and Amanda Gates exhibited complete calm and a high level of proficiency to the patient and her husband. The way they handled the emergency allowed the parents to feel that all would be well because they were receiving highly skilled care. Laura and Amanda led the team in a quiet and professionally organized fashion and all involved performed their jobs perfectly, resulting in a great outcome for all involved, says, Beth Cassidy, DNP, MSN, RNC-OB, NE-BC, Director of The Baby Place.

Gates and Clarkes dedication to provide exceptional care to every patient, every time, was underscored when they helped encourage and bring hope to a mother who was experiencing an obstetrical emergency during the birth of her third child. Both nurses worked together to ease the anxiety of Elizabeth and Mitch Pitts who had already experienced the loss of one child previously. In the chaos of the moments before Elizabeth was taken for an emergency C-section, Clarke stopped long enough for the soon-to-be parents to hear the heartbeat of their unborn child. Pitts and her husband cant say enough in their praise of the care delivered by Laura Clarke and Amanda Gates. They expressed a strong desire to have the performance of the entire team acknowledged but more so, the care delivered by Laura and Amanda. They recognized the skill and care of these two nurses ensured their story had a very happy ending.

Park Ridge Health is excited to have partnered with The DAISY Foundation to honor nurses, like Laura and Amanda, who go above and beyond their daily tasks to make extraordinary differences in the lives of our patients and their families.

The DAISY Award was created by the family of J. Patrick Barnes to thank the nurses who cared for Patrick and for them as he battled an autoimmune disease. Patrick lost his battle, but his family realized the impact his nurses had on the final days of his life. For that they are forever grateful. They wanted to create an opportunity for all families who experience the benefits of the extraordinary care of nurses to show their appreciation.

The Park Ridge Health Nursing Administration presented Laura Clarke RNC-OB, CNM, MSN and Amanda Gates, RN with a gift package including:

DAISY Award Certificate

DAISY Award Pin

A Healers Touch Sculpture

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