AdventHealth Awards Scholarships to High School Students

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AdventHealth Manchester is committed to investing in our communities and providing the highest quality, compassionate healthcare, close to home for our patients. Part of that commitment is investing in students and in future healthcare professionals.

Live Life Scholars work alongside clinical staff for one semester during their senior year to teach patients about AdventHealth’s CREATION Life principles—Choice, Rest, Environment, Activity, Trust, Interpersonal Relationships, Outlook, and Nutrition—and help patients make connections to the tools they need to live a healthy lifestyle. At the end of the semester, these scholars are awarded a $1,000 scholarship for their college education and to help support their ambition of entering the medical field.

The Bert T. Combs Memorial Scholarship Committee awards a $1,000 scholarship to a student who will graduate from one of Clay County’s public or private schools. This scholarship was named in honor of former Kentucky governor and Clay County native, Bert T. Combs. Students awarded this scholarship have shown a commitment to both academic excellence and the betterment of their community through volunteerism and community service—continuing the good work and legacy of Gov. Bert T. Combs.

Students were asked to submit an essay for both scholarships and had to meet certain academic criteria. The selection was done by a committee and was completely unbiased and blind.

“We at AHM are pleased to recognize and award students who have worked hard for their scholastic achievements,” said Sissel Jacob, CEO of the hospital. Congratulations to Terry Ashton Lee Holland, John Willey Sibert, Taylor Grace Messer, Adam Landon Collins, and Claudia E. Davis for receiving the Live Life Scholarship. Congratulations to Ashton Roberts, Elivia Grace Marcum, Adyson Hooker, Sydney Grayson Sester, and Taylor Grace Messer for receiving they Bert T. Combs Scholarship. We look forward to rewarding deserving students next year with funds that will help them in their college career.

We hope to see these students come back to serve the community and carry out the hospitals mission.

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