Get Active This Easter

A mother and daughter get active together.
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Easter Sunday marks the start of spring for many families. And aside from synching up on the calendar, Easter and spring go together like peas and carrots.

As bare branches begin to show tiny green buds, and bitter winter days shift to warmer breezes, we’re reminded that life triumphs over death — the very premise of Easter Sunday.

Whether you choose to celebrate Easter with a sunrise church service, Easter egg hunt or both, there’s ample opportunity to get outside with your family. The fresh air and exercise are good for your body, mind and spirit as you spend time together.

Outdoor Easter Activities

Get a little exercise and allow your spirit to be renewed by creating fun and meaningful traditions with your family.

Make and Deliver Easter Baskets

Easter baskets don’t have to be just for kids. Assemble Easter baskets for neighbors, family, friends and loved ones nearby to show them you’re thinking about them during the holiday. Get out and get active by loading the car and making socially distanced deliveries. Aside from getting some steps in, you’ll brighten the day with a sweet surprise for many loved ones.

Decorate an Easter Tree

Pack up your dye tablets and head out to the backyard. Soak in the sun, feel the breeze and let your creative juices flow. Added bonus? The mess isn’t in your house. When your eggs are ready, add to the physical activity by decorating an Easter tree. You’ll not only get moving but can enjoy your tree the whole season long.

Have an Egg and Spoon Race

Egg and spoon races are simple and have been beloved for years by all ages. The rules are easy: Each player gets a spoon and an egg (hardboiled makes for less mess) and races to the finish line while balancing the egg on the spoon. Whoever makes it to the finish line first without his or her egg breaking is the winner. Fun and exercise had by all.

Have a Family Easter Egg Hunt

The Easter egg is a symbol of new life, and the tradition of hiding eggs stretches back for centuries. Whether you hide hardboiled eggs or fill yours with some of the 16 billion jellybeans made in the U.S. each year just for the holiday, a good hunt is sure to get hearts pumping and create a lasting memory.

If you’re planning to invite loved ones over who aren’t part of your immediate household, don’t forget to take the necessary precautions to help keep everyone healthy this Easter. This includes wearing face masks, encouraging physical distancing and frequently sanitizing hands. Being outside as much as possible will help, too. For detailed guidance from the CDC on holiday celebrations and small gatherings, click here.

Plant Spring Flowers

Not all flowers can be planted as early as Easter, but there are some that can withstand the uncertainty of spring weather. Getting outside to plant a new flowerbed is one way to stretch your muscles and expose your children to the science of growing things.

In addition to teaching responsibility, tending a garden also lets you watch the changes together over time and discuss related topics, such as nutrition.

Read a Springtime Book

Check out some new Easter and spring-themed books, and then spread a blanket under your favorite shade tree. Take turns with your family members reading them aloud or even acting them out.

See Baby Animals

Baby animals are in abundance just about everywhere during the spring months. Take a socially distanced trip to your local park where your kids will enjoy looking for babies of local species such as birds, squirrels and rabbits.

Take Outdoor Family Photos

Spring is a great time to get outdoors for a family photo session. Instead of the traditional mall photo with the Easter bunny, consider looking into a local photographer who offers photos taken from a safe distance outdoors in nature.

Get Outdoors and Celebrate the Season

Getting outside to celebrate Easter and the arrival of spring is a fun way to bond with family —and an opportunity to start a new tradition. Plus, being active is a way to nurture your whole health.

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