How to Eat Healthy During the Holidays

A mom prepares a healthy turkey recipe for Thanksgiving with her daughter.
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‘Tis the season of hope, joy, generosity — and sometimes overindulgence. Delicious treats are everywhere and can be tough to resist when they’re shared by coworkers, family and friends. If we’re not careful (or simply distracted by the festivities) we can come dangerously close to consuming our entire daily caloric needs in one sitting.

Committing to a healthy eating strategy will help you avoid temptation at this season’s parties and family gatherings. It’s also a great way to ensure you start the new year feeling your best. Here are a few dietitian-approved tips for staying on track in the coming weeks:

  1. Don’t arrive on an empty stomach. Try not to show up to a holiday meal or party with an empty stomach. Skipping meals typically leads to eating more than if you had eaten something earlier in the day.
  2. Check out your options. You’re more likely to eat less when you look over all your options first. So scout out the buffet table before loading up your plate.
  3. Hang out with someone who eats slowly. Find someone who you know takes longer to finish his/her meals and follow his/her pace. Eating slowly makes it easier to eat less and still feel satisfied.
  4. Move away from the food! If you linger around the buffet or dinner table, chances are you’ll continue to nibble. Instead, load up a small plate of foods you really enjoy and eat slowly savoring every bite. Then, move away from the table and sip on water or a low-calorie beverage while you mingle. Aim to be more than an arm’s length away from the food whenever you aren’t eating to help limit temptations and mindless grazing.
  5. It’s okay to enjoy your favorite holiday treat. Better yet, share the holiday spirit by splitting your favorite treat with someone else.
  6. Don't be too hard on yourself if you overindulge on one meal. There's no reason to beat yourself up for enjoying a holiday treat. Get back on track with healthy eating the next day.

  7. Add exercise when you can. Being active it is a great stress reliever and helps to burn the extra calories consumed. Add short workouts into your schedule whenever you have the time to stay healthy this holiday season.

It’s exciting to celebrate the holidays with food, fun and those you love, but taking a little time beforehand to focus on your self-control and health goals will go a long way toward keeping overeating impulses at bay. So enjoy the amazing flavors of the season (in moderation).

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