Maintaining Your Confidentiality
Are You a Minor Dealing With a Sensitive Health Care Condition That You Would Like to Keep Confidential?
There are federal and state consent laws that give minor adolescents between the ages of 12 or 13 to age 17, the right to receive health care services for certain types of protected health care conditions without parental consent or notification. The state laws are different for each state, but some of these protected health care conditions may include substance abuse, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), pregnancy and mental health conditions. If you are a minor and have a protected health care condition, you may be able to maintain the confidentiality of information shared during a health care visit and the medical records for that treatment.
In order to understand confidentiality and consent as a minor, we encourage you to take the following steps:
- Talk to your health care provider to determine if you have a protected health care condition.
- If you do have a protected health care condition and want to keep that information confidential from your parent(s) or legal representative(s), please request and complete the Proxy Revocation Form and return it to your health care provider or our office staff. This will restrict your parent’s or legal representative’s access to your health information through the AdventHealth patient portals and our health information management departments.*
* Please Note: Your parent(s) or legal representative(s) may still access your health information that is not part of your protected health care conditions through an AdventHealth facility’s health information management department.