3 Ways to Make 2017 Your Year of Health

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As we reflect on our personal ups and downs of 2016, it’s important to remember that it’s OK if you didn’t accomplish all of your resolutions. Some goals are easier to reach than others, and obstacles along the way can set us back quite a bit. But more often than not, the reason we aren’t successful in achieving our goals is because we set unrealistic expectations for ourselves and then get discouraged by our lack of progress. Let’s put an end to that in 2017!

Here are a few ways you can make healthy, realistic resolutions and stick with them throughout the year:

Be Specific

This year, set goals that are specific, with a mix of short- and long-term timelines. For example, instead of saying, “I want to lose weight and be healthy,” be specific and say, “I want to cut out soda,” “I want to quit smoking,” and/or “I will exercise three times a week.” You can lose weight and be healthy in a number of different ways, so be specific about what works for you – this will help keep your goals clear and consistent.

Write It Down

By writing down your goals and the ways you plan on achieving them, you are solidifying your intents instead of just thinking about them. Doing this will also help you keep track of any setbacks you encounter or achievements you reach along the way.

Be Kind to Yourself

It may be tradition to set goals at the beginning of the new year, but that doesn’t mean that you only have a year to achieve them. Some goals may take a few months to achieve, while others can take years. If you wanted to work out three times a week but you were only able to do so once or twice a week for a short time, don’t beat yourself up. Instead, start again where you left off and make a note of it.

Make 2017 your year of health by improving your physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. Make an appointment with your doctor to discuss what you can do to feel better and stay active during the year. Create specific goals, write them down and enjoy the journey. And because it’s important to be safe and take care of yourself, we encourage you to visit our complimentary SpineU video library available on our site! Our team is ready to help you make 2017 your healthiest year yet!

If you’ve had back pain for longer than two weeks, call Dr. Patel at the Spine Health Institute. He and his multidisciplinary team can diagnose and treat a variety of spinal conditions, and help get you back to your routine in no time.

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