Arthroscopic Surgery

Arthroscopy surgical procedures are minimally invasive and allow a physician to look at the inside of a joint in the body through a thin viewing instrument called an arthroscope. This procedure lets the doctor see the joint surfaces and surrounding soft and tough tissue that surround the joint. Arthroscopy can be used to diagnose a joint problem, perform surgery to repair a joint problem, remove a foreign body, or monitor a disease or the effectiveness of a treatment. It is commonly performed on the knee, ankle and shoulder, as well as the hip, elbow and wrist. During arthroscopic surgical procedures, the arthroscope instrument is inserted into the joint through a small cut in the skin. The arthroscope is equipped with a light source and a tiny video camera, allowing the doctor to see images displayed on a video monitor. Arthroscopic surgery is usually less painful, less costly and allows for a quicker recovery time than "open" surgical procedures. This procedure can also be done on an outpatient basis without requiring an overnight stay in a hospital.