Foreign Body Removal
Small children are well known for placing foreign objects in their ear or nose, as well as for ingesting objects that can easily become lodged in their airway. All such instances require immediate medical attention. If a foreign object such as a piece of food or toy becomes stuck in the ear canal, parents may notice that their child is experiencing pain, drainage from the ear and possible hearing problems. Your physician can usually remove such items using special instruments or a magnet for a metal object; other methods include rinsing the ear with water or a suction device that can loosen and remove the object. When a child has a foreign object in their nose, their parent may notice nasal discharge on that side or blood coming from the nose. The object in question is often something like an eraser, toy piece, or soft item like a piece of Play-Doh. It is sometimes necessary to hospitalize and sedate a child to remove such objects safely, which is done using special instruments and/or suction devices. The most serious situation is when a child has swallowed a foreign object or piece of food that causes choking and obstruction of their airway. A child may gag or cough at first, followed by wheezing sounds, hoarseness, blue lips, and an inability to breathe. This is a life-threatening emergency and requires immediate action to remove the item – even if the child can breathe but is displaying other symptoms.
Daniel Galante, DO, FACS, FASCRS
Colon and Rectal Surgery, General Surgery
Rajendra Sawh-Martinez, MD, MHS, FACS
Plastic Surgery, Reconstructive Surgery
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Tri Le, MD
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