Wrist Surgery
Orthopedic surgeons who specialize in hand and wrist surgery are adept at treating multiple injuries and disorders of the lower arm, including carpal tunnel syndrome, wrist fractures, congenital deformities, arthritic conditions, and more. Wrist fusion surgery, wrist joint replacement, carpal tunnel release and procedures for addressing sports injuries are among the most common types of operation they perform. Fractured wrists that can’t be realigned ("reduced") by hand may require surgical repair that includes the introduction of instrumentation such as screws, pins and plates to properly realign the bones and keep them in place during healing. While patients who receive this surgery will initially have to have their lower arm immobilized for a designated time, physical therapy including range of motion and targeted stretching exercises is key to successfully regaining the full functionality of the joint.
Thomas Riley, MD
Orthopedic Surgery, Orthopedics, Sports Medicine
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