Man wearing a medal standing with his bike

From Transplant to Triathlon

Steve has been an athlete since the age of 4, when he started swimming. At age 12 he added the bike and ultimately began competing in triathlons. After contracting a virus that affected his heart, he suffered a slow but steady decline in his health over the next 10 years, resulting in the need for a heart transplant. After successful surgery, just getting back to normal was not enough for Steve. So just months after his transplant, he was cleared to participate in the Transplant Games. And came home with the bronze.

Woman wearing a life vest and holding a boating paddle

Four-Time Champion. Survivor. Thriver.

At 18, Justine was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Disease, and in subsequent years, faced three recurrences of breast cancer. After conquering cancer four times, Justine decided to be proactive about her health and make significant lifestyle changes. She now follows a mostly plant-based diet and joined a dragon boat crew made up solely of her fellow survivors. And with every stroke of the oar, Justine knows that she’s strong. And that she can overcome.

Man standing at the base of a mountain

Cancer Survivor. Summit Climber.

Central Florida health care executive and father of three Rick Martinez is a two-time cancer survivor and could have been content living his cancer-free life. Instead, he set out for a whole new kind of challenge: an emotional and redemptive climb up Argentina’s highest peak. The day he reached the summit is the day he left cancer behind, far away from the ones he loves.