Search Questions & Answers
Question: Is information sent to my primary care physician?
Answer:Information from your video visit isn't always sent to your primary care physician, but you can print and save your "visit summary" at any time to share with your primary care doctor after a visit is completed.
Question: Can the physician or nurse practitioner write me a work or school release note?
Answer:Yes, at the discretion of the physician or nurse practitioner. If a note is written, you can see the digital work/school release note on the last page of your visit summary sheet.
Question: What phone number can I call for billing questions?
Answer:Call Call877-746-6516 with any questions you have about billing.
Question: When I register, it says, "email address already in use." What should I do?
Answer:If you see this message, you already have an account under this email address. Please confirm you've entered the information correctly. You may need to reset your password if you have forgotten it. If you verify your information is correct and still receive this error, please call our support center at Call855-238-8791.
Question: I'm receiving a Service Not Available message.
Answer:If you see this message, please reboot your Wi-Fi or cell phone connection or transfer to your 3G/4G data service. Some wireless hotspots will block programs like this, so it appears the service is unavailable.
Question: I can't see my provider’s status as available. What should I do?
Answer:A particular provider may not be available or may be engaged with another patient at this time. If the provider has already accepted your request for a video visit, there may be a four- to five-minute timeframe to establish the connection once the provider has signed in.
Question: I'm connected with my provider, but I can't see them. What should I do?
Answer:Your browser may initially ask for permission to use your camera and microphone. Make sure you have granted access. If you haven't, or you still see a black screen, refresh your screen to have another opportunity to share/allow access.
Question: How do I change my credit card or health savings and reimbursement account card information?
Answer:At this time, the AdventHealth app doesn't support multiple credit cards. If you need to edit your credit card information, click on the menu icon in the upper left-hand corner. You can edit your payment information under the payment tab. Delete the existing card first, and then you can add your new credit card information.
Question: I keep losing my internet connection. What should I do?
Answer:To ensure a good video visit, an upload/download connection speed of 3 mbps is required. A noticeably better experience will happen with a connection above 5 mbps.
Question: I can't hear the provider. What should I do?
Answer:There are three items to check:
- Check to see if you've given permission to the AdventHealth app to access your camera and microphone.
- Make sure your audio isn't muted.
- Check to see if an external headphone is plugged in and if so, unplug it.