1908 Society: Impacting Lives

The Hope Fund: Tyler's Story - Extended Version

Tyler was like any other nursing student working long hours, trying TO find time for eating and sleeping along with studying. In 2016, when Tyler was working on his clinicals, he noticed a lump in his neck.

His primary care physician didn’t detect any issues. Still concerned, Tyler followed up with a visit to an ear nose and throat specialist and had a needle biopsy which was clear. The next step for Tyler was to have an excisional biopsy. As a nursing student, Tyler couldn’t afford this procedure. Since all the tests were clear, Tyler decided to continue with school and deal with the lump later. What Tyler didn’t realize was the amount of weight he was losing and how tired he was all the time. He just contributed all this to his long hours in nursing school.

In May 2018, Tyler started his dream job as a nurse at AdventHealth. Still feeling tired, he decided to complete the tests his doctor had previously recommended. This time, Tyler was diagnosed with Stage IV Nodular Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.

Although Tyler had just started his new job, he was overwhelmed with empathy from his nursing manager and team when he told them about his situation and asked to leave work for six months to undergo treatment. Once again, money was going to be a concern for Tyler. With a new job, he wasn’t sure how he could pay rent and make ends meet. Tyler’s mom, being a long-time employee of AdventHealth mentioned The Hope Fund, a fund that helps AdventHealth employees in emergency situations.

Tyler contacted the Hope Fund and let them know of his predicament. Within one week, Tyler was approved to receive funds. With the money Tyler was able to save – and help from The Hope Fund – Tyler was able to pay all his bills through the end of his lease.

"I’m grateful The Hope Fund was there for me when I needed it the most.”

On November 26, 2018, Tyler finished chemotherapy treatment and started work back at AdventHealth Orlando. Tyler sees his future in oncology. After the experiences he has gone through he says he has a better understanding of what the patients are going through and he wants to share that compassion with his patients.

The Hope Fund is supported through employee donations from the 1908 Society. For more information, visit 1908Society.com or contact us at Call407-303-2784.

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