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Linda Cadmus is an active member of our Team Member Giving program, Generosity Champions. As a Generosity Champion Ambassador, Linda is passionate about providing immediate access to whole-person health care to every person. Linda has worked at AdventHealth for over 20 years as the Risk Manager for all Centra Care locations taking care of patient concerns of all kinds.
In 2017, Linda’s journey with AdventHealth grew into a calling when she embarked on her first Global Missions trip. Linda joined a team of doctors, nurse practitioners, and other caregivers to bring free health care to people in Honduras. By the end of the trip, the team treated over 1,000 patients. “Your bucket is so full, I wish everyone would do it,” shared Linda as she reflected on her time. “Some of the patients walk over two miles to receive care.”
By the end of 2023, Linda will have served on seven mission trips. This global impact is only made possible through the generosity of team members like you and Linda who believe in living generously and supporting AdventHealth’s healing mission.
Click here to learn more about the role you can play in AdventHealth’s legacy of generosity and sign up to become a Generosity Champion today at GenerosityChampions.com.