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Honoring Legacy: Dr. Uday Desai's Scholarship for Women's Health

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AdventHealth Foundation Central Florida is grateful for legacies of generosity that support the training of future physicians. Dr. Uday Desai, dedicated Medical Director of Pancreas Transplant Vice Chair, Department of Transplantation and a UNOS-designated Transplant Nephrologist for the AdventHealth Transplant Program (AHTP) is no exception. He recently established a scholarship in honor of his mother, Dr. Nayana Desai, a lifelong OB/GYN and tireless advocate for women’s health in India. This scholarship, the Dr. Nayana Desai CREOG Award, not only memorializes her contributions but also serves as an inspiration for future generations of medical professionals.

Dr. Uday Desai’s heritage played a significant role in shaping his values and career path. Growing up, he was deeply influenced by his mother’s unwavering commitment to women's health and her belief in the sanctity of life. This foundational belief in the value of life naturally led him to the field of transplant medicine, where he could directly impact and save lives on a daily basis.

Dr. Nasayana Desai

His role involves seeing patients both pre- and post-transplant to ensure their healing and recovery, a responsibility that underscores his dedication to his patients' well-being. He is also an active member of various esteemed medical associations, including the American Society of Transplantation and the American Society of Nephrology. Establishing the scholarship was a deeply personal project, close to his heart because of his mother's legacy.

Dr. Desai received invaluable support from Dr. Sarah Elizabeth Weaver, the OB/GYN program director and Patricia Bornstein, Director of Development at AdventHealthFoundation Central Florida. Their assistance was instrumental in bringing the Dr. Nayana Desai CREOG Award to life, showcasing a collaborative effort to honor a remarkable woman and inspire others in the medical field.

Through Dr. Desai’s work and the scholarship, he continues to honor her legacy, inspire health care professionals, and underscore the importance of giving back.

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