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Meet the Team | Kory Grench: Avid Health Champion

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a photo of Kory Grench

In a world where the relentless demands of work often eclipse our dedication to personal well-being, Kory Grench emerges as an inspiration. As a registered dietitian and research coordinator at The Translational Research Institute (TRI), she embodies a genuine commitment to health and wellness that transcends mere professionalism—it's deeply personal.

Kory's journey toward this vocation traces back to her profound love for exercise, marathons, and triathlons. "I'm an avid health champion," she proclaims. Her passion for physical activity isn't just a hobby; it's an integral part of her identity, infusing vitality into every facet of her life.

"I practice what I preach," she asserts. Leading exercises at work, she underscores the transformative impact of physical activity on individuals and workplace culture. "I exercise with the team just for a couple of minutes on their breaks," she explains. Everybody really enjoys it. I really enjoy it."

Kory's approach to exercise is refreshingly practical and something we can all adopt. She focuses on short bursts of activity that can easily fit into a busy workday. "It's important to warm up and stretch a little bit because many people are just sitting," she advises. "So we walk in place, get our knees up, and then we might do wall pushups or squats. I change it up pretty much every day."

While it may seem like all fun and games, most of Kory's days are filled with science, stating, "TRI is a fantastic place to be for research."

Reflecting on her unconventional journey to Orlando, Kory reminisces about her roots in Illinois and an initial foray into architecture. Yet, her family's dedication to gardening sparked an enduring passion for wholesome nutrition, leading her to transition to the field. "I was always really interested in research," she reflects. I saw a huge benefit in discovering new things and helping people."

Her diverse experiences—from hospital settings to specialized research in cystic fibrosis-related diabetes—culminated in her role at TRI, where she thrives in a collaborative environment. "The team here at TRI is really fantastic," she beams. "I get to use my sports nutrition background and the medical piece, putting them together for a well-rounded perception."

As Kory shares her journey, it becomes clear that her passion for health isn't confined to the walls of her workplace—it's a profound calling that resonates in her actions and words. In a world where health often takes a backseat to other priorities, Kory reminds us of the transformative power of prioritizing well-being.

photos of Kory Grench

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