What is the HOPE Fund? A ministry for employees who are undergoing a sudden and unexpected financial emergency through no fault of their own.
Funding: From the generous donations of employees who donate to the 1908 Society.
Who Approves Applications: The HOPE Fund committee which comprises of representatives from a variety of departments.
- An AdventHealth Orlando regional employee for at least 90 days.
- Employee can only receive up to $1,000 every three years.
- Employee should be in good standing with the department. A FINAL written warning is an automatic disqualification. An employee can still qualify for help with a verbal or first written but the committee does weigh supervisor input.
Examples of applications the committee approves:
- Hospitalization.
- Extended illness leading to time off work.
- Death in immediate family.
- Homeless/ eviction notices.
Examples of applications the committee denies due to not meeting criteria of sudden and unexpected through no fault of their own:
- Speeding tickets.
- Behind on bills due to spending beyond means.
- Low Census.
- Pregnancy (unless complications such as bedrest and early delivery).
For more information please contact:
Meghan Israel
HOPE Fund Coordinator | Mission and Ministry
Central Florida Division
Call407-303-7711 x1