Humans4Health Inaugural Event

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Strides & Strokes

The inaugural/first public offering Humans4Health Inc. (H4H) fundraising event will be in honor of all of the medical professionals that are dedicated to the research, treatment, and recovery of all patients that have been impacted by a Stroke and have received care from the AdventHealth Central Florida Neurological Division..

The event will span 24 hours, May 28 to 29, 10:00 AM to 10:00 AM. The Founders of H4H will be engaged in multiple exercise events Continuously over the 24 hour period. Stationary rowing, biking, resistance training and, running around the 2.6 mile trail around Lake Baldwin.

The significance of our endurance event is to honor the 24 hours, seven days a week impact a stroke has on the person, their families, friends, and ultimately their life. Recovery and rehabilitation are far more challenging than one 24 hour event. It is our hope to bring recognition to those who challenge themselves to overcome this preventable condition.

We are partnering with the AdventHealth Foundation | Central Florida on behalf of the AdventHealth Neuroscience Institute— funds raised will go to further innovation in patient care, research, and technology for people impacted by strokes.

Save the Date, visit our Facebook Event Page:

Cost: For businesses wanting to display their healthy products and services, $500.00 per booth. This covers presentation time during daylight hours during the 24 hour event.

If you are interested in participating in the athletic event individually or by creating a team to participate, please enter your information on the site and you will be contacted for further information.

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