The Importance of Spiritual Care in Health Care

World Day of Prayer
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Your spirituality is so personal to you. Maybe it inspires you to pray throughout the day, take time for quiet mindfulness, or reach out to others as a volunteer or mentor. Whatever form your own spirituality takes, it's part of who you are. That's why we feel strongly that spiritual support is an important part of your healing process. You may have come to us seeking help for a physical ailment, but your whole health - body, mind and spirit - is what matters, which is why we train our staff to meet the spiritual needs of our patients, wherever they may be in their journey.

Patients who are spiritually strong may be better able to manage their conditions, trust in their care providers and have a positive outlook. With this in mind, our team members - from physicians and physical therapists to urgent care clinicians and imaging centers techs - are being trained by our Clinical Mission Integration (CMI) team.

Through training, our care teams are learning spiritual care and how to best provide it to their patients and coworkers. Our care teams take pride in connecting to our mission of extending the healing ministry of Christ, which leads to more personal healing and wholeness for our patients.

As a result of these trainings, we've added screening questions like "Do you have a source of joy in your life?" to enhance our patient questionnaires.

Powerful things come from asking these questions and can lead to continued discussions with a member of our team. Our CMI program is shaping the spiritual support of nearly the 20,000 outpatients we see every day. It's our way to make sure whole-person care touches both you and your health care providers.

As well as the outpatient setting, spiritual care lives within the walls of our hospitals, hospices, and skilled nursing homes with the support of 110 chaplains that serve across the country. Chaplains are available to provide spiritual guidance through prayers, rituals, sacraments or connection to your religious community.

We want every person to have a spiritual encounter when they interact with AdventHealth. Whether it's comforting your anxiety, sharing your favorite prayer or offering reassuring scripture right when you need it, we'll help you explore, expand and lean on your faith.

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