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James Harshbarger credits the Cardiac rehab team at AdventHealth Heart of Florida for helping him in his recovery following a third heart attack. Photo of James with three members of cardiac rehab team.
(From L-R) Joyness Rodriguez, James Harshbarger, Janel Santana, Paige Gilchrist
(photo courtesy: James Harshbarger)
— DAVENPORT, Fla. -- James Harshbarger said his nearly 24 years in the Army, where he earned the rank of Command Sergeant Major, made him a hardened soldier, but he said a third heart attack, he had recently changed his life.
“The third one I’ll tell you it scared me, but in a lot of ways, it’s given me new life,” Harshbarger said.
The 65-year-old credits the Cardiac rehab team at AdventHealth Heart of Florida for helping him in his recovery and helping him to be able to be active, including spending time with his 10-year-old grandson on the soccer field.
Harshbarger said he first encountered AdventHealth Heart of Florida’s cardiac rehab team during the time he was rehabbing his knee, following a knee replacement.
“I watched those ladies working and it was a great team. I could see that the people in cardiac rehab, they knew they were cared about,” Harshbarger said.
So, when he had his third attack in late October 2024, he knew exactly where he wanted to go to recover.
“Every day that I’ve been there has been a blessing. Those ladies are concerned about each patient, and you can feel it,” Harshbarger said. “These people have been good for my heart and as I said, physically and emotionally and they’re just people you want to be around.”
Harshbarger said he’s been motivated to stay healthy and works out every day whether it’s walking or lifting weights. He said he’s thankful to the cardiac rehab team for helping him build up his strength and endurance.
“My biggest thing of cardiac rehab is being hooked up to a monitor and being able to push myself on those machines as hard as I can and to gain confidence,” Harshbarger said.
Now, those recovery efforts have him doing something he loves to do.
“I coach my grandson in soccer every Sunday and that’s part of what’s helped me,” Harshbarger said. “One coach is able to be on the field and run and talk to the kids. For the first time in about five years, I’m able to be on that field and run with the kids and talk to them.”
Harshbarger has been married for nearly 40 years to his wife, Ute. They met in Germany while he was serving. They have three children and four grandchildren.
He is one of dozens of patients who are cared for at the hospital’s cardiac rehab unit, which aims to help people recover and get on the road to a happier, healthier life through physical therapy, cardiac-friendly diets, smoking cessation, and more. Many of the patients in the program are older and live alone, so in addition to treating their bodies, the program also helps raise their spirits.
In August 2024, an expanded cardiac rehab unit opened, doubling the number of patients that can be treated and reducing wait time before new patients can enroll in the program.
Before the expansion, the unit was treating an average of 56 patients a month. With the new space, the team has been able double that volume and reduce the wait time before enrollment.
The expansion came as heart disease continues to be the leading cause of death in the United States and Florida. According to the most recent data available from the Florida Department of Health, the rate of deaths from heart disease In Polk County in 2023 was about 145 per 100,000 people. That was higher than the state average of about 135 per 100,000 people.
Harshbarger is scheduled to complete the cardiac rehab program this month, but he’s extremely grateful to the team for helping him heal in more ways than one.
“It’s not just cardiac rehab for me. They’re kind of repairing my heart,” Harshbarger said. “They’re just special.”
You can learn more about the cardiac rehab program at AdventHealth Heart of Florida by going online to AdventHealth Heart of Florida | Formerly Heart of Florida or calling Call863-419-1811.
- Contact: John Luti
- Tel: Call John Luti at863-272-1585
- Email: Email John Luti atjohn.lutijr@adventhealth.com