5 Signs It's Time to See a Doctor for Back Pain

A senior gentleman showing discomfort while getting up from his couch

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Your spine is a fascinating piece of architecture. Considering the vital role that this part of your body plays in everyday life, it's no surprise that more than 19 million people go to a doctor every year for back pain.

Potentially Serious Back Pain Symptoms

You might be thinking that you can't go to the doctor every time you have a slight ache or soreness. We're here to help you determine when seeing a doctor is the right choice.

Here are five signs you should see a doctor for your neck or back pain:

1. Your pain doesn't go away or you have shooting pain down your arms or legs

Back pain will usually go away with some over-the-counter medicine and rest. But, if you have pain that lasts for more than two weeks, if the pain keeps you from performing daily activities or if you have shooting pain down your arms or legs, it’s time to see your doctor and find out what's going on.

2. Weakness, numbness or tingling in your arms and legs

Keep track of the areas that tingle, feel weak or go numb and be sure to tell your doctor. Numbness and tingling can be signs of nerve irritation or damage. If left untreated, they can lead to permanent damage.

3. Nighttime pain

Keep track of your back pain intensity. If your pain worsens at nighttime, it could be a sign of something more serious.

4. Fever or weight loss along with back pain

5. Problems with balance or controlling your bowels or bladder

Whole-Person Healing for Back Pain

You know your body better than anyone and will be able to tell what pain is common for you and what pain is abnormal. When your everyday aches and pains become more intense, it’s time to see a specialist.

Spine health begins with you, and the first step is being attentive to something that is out of the ordinary.

If you experience any of the above-mentioned symptoms, know that compassionate spine care is here for you, close to home. Learn more about our Orthopedic Care and how we can help you restore your vibrant, active life at AdventHealthNC.com/Ortho.

“We have a fantastic Spine Team at Advent Health Hendersonville and EmergeOrtho Blue Ridge Division to help with evaluating and treating any Neck, Back and Spine concerns whether or not any surgery is needed. Most patients do not need surgery but do benefit from our years of extensive experience to help you improve your Whole-Person Health! If surgery is needed, we have superior, world class technology and caring providers at our Spine Center of Excellence,” says Stephen David, MD.


Stephen David, MD

Stephen M. David, MD

Dr. David is an orthopedic surgeon with EmergeOrtho and Co-managing Physician of the Orthopedic Surgery Program at AdventHealth Hendersonville.

Connect with Dr. David.

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