Health Care

AdventHealth Hendersonville Celebrates Award-Winning Nurse for Making Authentic Connections with His Patients

AdventHealth Hendersonville Celebrates Award-Winning Nurse for Making Authentic Connections with His Patients

Jan. 31, 2024; HENDERSONVILLE, N.C. – AdventHealth Hendersonville is excited to introduce you to Luis Perez-Ortega, ADN winner of our DAISY Award for exceptional nursing care.

Luis is part of the nursing team on our Medical/Surgical Unit. He is known for his dedication to helping patients feel safe and well-cared for during their time at AdventHealth. One patient recently shared just how much Luis’s attention to our service standards of Keep Me Safe and Make It Easy meant to him.

Here is part of his DAISY award nomination for Luis:

“Luis was an upstanding nurse who took the time to actually get to know me while he cared for me. In all my 22 years of life, I've never enjoyed having a nurse such as having Luis. He gave me the most upstanding care and explained everything down to the last detail I wanted to know.

Luis even took the time to talk to me about sports and other things to help keep my mind off my pain. In going forward in life, I hope all my future nurses treat me just like Luis did. Luis was an amazing nurse, and an amazing person. I’m very glad I got to meet and be treated by [Luis]!”

Making sure to not only care for the patients, but to make true connections with them is not always easy in a busy hospital unit. But for AdventHealth Nursing team member, Luis Perez-Ortega, ADN, it is always a priority. Congratulations, Luis, on this well-deserved DAISY Award.

The DAISY Award was created by the family of J. Patrick Barnes in 1999 to thank the nurses who cared for Patrick and for them as he battled an autoimmune disease. Patrick lost his battle, but his family realized the impact his nurses had on the final days of his life. For that, they wanted to create an opportunity for all families who experience the benefits of the extraordinary care of nurses to show their appreciation.

If you know of an exceptional member of the AdventHealth care team you would like to nominate for one of our awards, please visit