Moving Health Care Forward

Judge Upholds State Decision to Award CON for New Hospital to AdventHealth

AdventHealth is honored to announce that the NC Administrative Judge has upheld the state's decision to award us the Certificate of Need (CON) to build a new hospital in Buncombe County.

The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services approved AdventHealth’s CON application to build the 67-bed hospital in November 2022. HCA/Mission appealed the decision, and the case went to trial nearly a year later.

“AdventHealth joins with the people of Western North Carolina to celebrate this decision and the positive impact this new hospital will have on the area’s health care,” said Brandon Nudd, President and Chief Executive Officer for AdventHealth Hendersonville. “We are excited to reach this point in the work to provide whole-person care to the people of Buncombe, Graham, Madison, and Yancey Counties.”

In March, AdventHealth announced the purchase of more than 30 acres of land in Weaverville to be home to the new community hospital. The faith-based, not-for-profit, multispecialty hospital will feature leading-edge technology, surgery services, a labor and delivery unit and an emergency department.

AdventHealth is thankful to the elected officials, community leaders, local governments, physicians, patients and neighbors who have shared their support and advocacy to bring health care choice and competition to this region.

This decision is just the beginning. AdventHealth is applying to bring 26 additional beds to this new hospital in Weaverville for a total of 93 beds. It is once again holding community listening sessions to ensure the new hospital has the capacity, scale and services to meet the health care needs you have shared in key conversations over the last two years.

AdventHealth looks forward to continuing this community collaboration. “Over the next few weeks AdventHealth will select the architect and general contractor,” said Nudd. “We are excited to share more design details for this new hospital in the near future.”

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