Information for Visitors

You're Here for Your Loved One We're Here for You

You care about your loved ones — and it shows. On behalf of all our physicians, nurses, and medical and administrative staff, thank you for taking the time to come and visit your family member or friend at AdventHealth Murray, formerly Murray Medical Center. Your smiles, hugs, and conversation truly make a difference in the healing process.

During your visit to our Murray County hospital, we hope you feel like part of the family, because you are. While we’re providing specialized medical services and making your loved one comfortable, you’re there to lend a listening ear and a steady shoulder. And we’re here to steady you in turn, with the visitor resources and hospital information you need to make your visit as stress-free as possible.

Supporting the People Who Care Visitor Resources and Services

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Feel Supported on Our Spiritual Care Hotline

Whatever you're facing, you're not alone. When you need a listening ear, the AdventHealth Spiritual Care Hotline is here for you at Call833-258-2414, Monday through Friday, from 10 am to 6 pm ET. Calls are free and confidential, and our caring team members will listen without judgment, offering prayer, support and additional resources, if needed.

Continue Caring. Give Back.

Discover how you can become more involved in our network of care — so you can keep lifting, keep serving, and keep loving.

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