Local AdventHealth EMT-A participates in national wellness challenge promoting healthier living

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The 21-day Feel Whole Challenge provides a foundation for a healthy body, mind and spirit.

A new wellness movement called the Feel Whole Challenge is empowering people to take charge of their health. Developed by AdventHealth, the Feel Whole Challenge is a 21-day program that encourages participants to make small, incremental daily changes that can lead to big improvements in their overall health and sense of well-being.

The Feel Whole Challenge is designed around fun, everyday activities that focus on improving whole-person health – body, mind and spirit. Throughout the 21-day program, participants are challenged to complete tasks that range from drinking more water and buying fresh ingredients for meals to praying for someone and volunteering.

The program was launched with participants from across the country, who chose from a bank of activities to personalize their challenge and kept journals and video diaries to document their experiences. Thousands of AdventHealth employees, as well as various influencers, have since joined the Feel Whole Challenge.

Locally, Ken Trammell, an EMT-A from AdventHealth Gordon EMS, was one of the initial Feel Whole Challenge participants.

In the last year, Trammell has undergone a major physical transformation after being diagnosed with stage 4 kidney failure. He made a complete lifestyle change, and when he started the Feel Whole Challenge, he found even more ways to make life better.

“[When I was diagnosed,] I did whatever I could to get myself healthy. Not just for me, but for my kids,” said Trammell.

The Feel Whole Challenge is informed by the expertise of AdventHealth specialists, from nutritionists to chaplains, and rooted in the eight principles of CREATION Life – Choice, Rest, Environment, Activity, Trust in God, Interpersonal relationships, Outlook and Nutrition. CREATION Life is a contemporary expression of AdventHealth’s whole-person care philosophy.

Now, after completing his own Feel Whole Challenge, Trammell not only feels better physically, he is motivated and more confident about his ability to maintain a healthy body, mind and spirit because of the foundation built during the 21-day challenge.

“This challenge has helped me see things to improve on,” said Trammell. “I’m feeling physically stronger, but I need to work on being emotionally stronger, and I know God is working.”

For more information about the Feel Whole Challenge, visit FeelWholeChallenge.com.

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