Umbilical Hernia Repair

Abdominal hernias that occur near the belly button are called umbilical hernias, and they are a fairly common occurrence in both infants and adults. While not all such hernias require surgery, situations in which such intervention is deemed necessary include those in which a child’s hernia is impacting the blood supply to their intestines, has not resolved itself by the age of four, is causing the child pain or is constantly bulging outward. In adults, large and uncomfortable umbilical hernias are usually treated with surgery. In the case of strangulation, where blood supply to the area has been cut off, immediate surgery is required. Surgical repair of an umbilical hernia can be accomplished via open or laparoscopic (minimally invasive) method. In either case, the bulging part of the intestine and abdominal lining are pushed back in and the hole through which they were protruding is surgically closed and reinforced with sutures or a mesh material.