The Experience

A World-Class Executive Health Assessment

Year after year, you set high standards, then top them. You're hard-wired to exceed expectations — professionally, and personally. You work hard and play harder. You're in demand, your time is precious — you want to make the best of every minute, every day.

The AdventHealth Executive Health Program values your time, your focus on results, and your passion to perform at your peak. In one seamless day, the program delivers your comprehensive head-to-toe integrated health assessment and lifestyle improvement plan. Your report maps out how to "tighten your core" of wellness and optimize your performance, from the inside out.

Our comprehensive health evaluations are ideal for busy professionals, couples, and individuals passionate about investing in their total wellness development. Our assessment combines lifestyle medicine expertise with state-of-the-art health screenings and diagnostics to address the needs and concerns of every client — and deliver customized lifestyle improvement plans.

Peak Performance

It is our goal to inspire you to achieve a higher level of health and personal performance through total wellness living — body, mind and spirit.

Comprehensive, Convenient and Personalized Health Assessments A Life of Health Is a Life Worth Living

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A Day With Us A Comprehensive, Convenient and Personalized Health Assessment

You're used to making every minute count—and we respect that! From the moment you arrive at our tropical, resort-like campus, you have our undivided attention. Quality time. Focused, yet relaxed. Personalized to your needs and interests. Same-day debriefing on your results with your chosen physician. You leave us informed, refreshed, with a true sense of your personal health and future wellness goals. Prepared to make every minute count.

Our Technology Powered by the Most Advanced Medical Tools and Imaging Equipment Available

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Frequently Asked Questions

We look forward to answering any questions that you might have about the program. You can Contact Our Health Ambassador right now or read more about your potential questions.