Membership Information
- Membership Options
Student Membership: $25.00
Individual Membership: $32.00
Senior Membership (60+): $30.00 (We accept Silver Sneakers, Prime, Silver and Fit, Active and Fit, and Optum Advantage. Check with your insurance provider regarding eligibility)
Family Membership*: $45.00 *Children must be age 12-22 and living at home.
- Membership Enrollment Guidelines
Please visit the facility to join. To expedite the process, you may visit the “forms” section of our site and download and complete the “Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q)” for each individual who will be joining. Florida Hospital Eastern Region Employees must also complete a Payroll Deduction Form, which must be returned to the Center when you arrive on your first visit. Employee memberships cannot be completed without a Paycheck ID number and Facility site code.
Please note that upon first visit to the facility, all members must bring a photo ID and create a key tag, which will be used for all subsequent check-ins to the facility. Please plan your time accordingly to complete the enrollment process. If you are joining for family membership, a photo ID is required for each member in your family. Reduced rates are available for Florida Hospital Eastern Region employees; for more information, please call the Center for Health and Wellness at Call386-231-3415.
Guest Policy: Guests of our facility must abide by all policies and procedures as outlined for members. We require guests to sign a Guest Consent form and reserve the right to restrict or decline participation should an individual be determined not eligible for medical reasons. Guest must present a valid photo ID and present a guest pass or be escorted by a member. Guests of members are entitled to one free visit before joining.
- Member Etiquette
Our goal is to create a positive Wellness setting for all members, and we are a family friendly environment. To this end, we will not tolerate aggressive, disrespectful conduct, nor bullying, rude language, inappropriate behavior, or unwillingness to share equipment.
- Policy
No cell phone use on the gym floor or in group fitness rooms. Please use the building lobby areas for cell phone usage and set your phone to vibrate if you are bringing it into the center. This includes texting or checking mail on your phone. If you absolutely must do so for urgent matters, please do not tie up equipment.
- No food permitted on the gym floor or in group fitness rooms.
- Water only (in plastic, sealed containers) in the gym and group fitness areas.
- Alcoholic beverages are not permitted.
- No smoking or tobacco use.
- No weapons such as guns, knives or any item deemed such.
- No photography or videography is permitted without management approval.
- No posting of signage, advertising, or business cards unless approved by management.
- We require you to attend an equipment orientation for your safety and to ensure you understand how to use the equipment safely and effectively.
- Lift and lower weights slowly.
- Do not drop weights on floors or weight stack.
- Use a spotter when lifting free weights.
- Return and re-rack all dumbbells and plates.
- Return group fitness and other equipment to designated storage areas.
- During high use times, please limit cardio equipment use to 30 minutes.
- When performing multiple sets on equipment, do not sit on or tie up equipment while resting between sets. Please respect the time of others who are exercising. Use gym wipes to sanitize surfaces you have utilized.
- Immediately notify us of injury or equipment failure.
- We recommend that you warm up prior to exercise activities and cool down gradually.
- Please ask if you need assistance.

Meet Our Team Our Experts are Here to Help
Our professional trainers, massage therapists, and instructors are here to help you become your best self safely and effectively.
Forms and Contracts
Important: PAR-Q and Payroll Deduction Forms must be delivered to the Center for Health and Wellness. Please do not scan and send.
You can download any of these forms and complete in advance of visiting the Center.
- Physical Assessment Readiness Questionnaire
Physical Assessment Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q) should be completed, signed, and returned to the Center for Health and Wellness for all new members. Every member must complete.
- Contract, Consent and Waiver Form