Get Involved

Your Support Makes a Difference Many Ways to Give

When you give to the AdventHealth Hendersonville Foundation, you become part of our mission to extend the healing ministry of Christ. There are many ways to contribute, and supporting an area close to your heart makes a difference in the lives of people in our community.

How to Contribute

6 items. To interact with these items, press Control-Option-Shift-Right Arrow
  • Give Online

    When you make a donation, 100% of your gift goes directly to the cause you choose.

  • Give in Loving Memory

    Honor the life and legacy of someone you love by making a one-time gift in honor or memorial of them

  • Leave a Legacy

    You can support AdventHealth through options like a bequest, gift annuity or IRA rollover. Your planned gift creates a legacy for your family and makes a difference in our community.

  • Team Member Giving

    As an AdventHealth team member, you can become part our legacy of generosity by joining our employee giving society.

  • Attend an Event

    Mark your calendar to participate in an upcoming event which benefits essential programs and services at AdventHealth.

  • Sponsor an Event

    Do you have a business looking to make an impact on your community? You can become an event sponsor and provide hope and healing through AdventHealth.

Explore How You Can Support AdventHealth Signature Events

Do you have a business looking to make an impact on your community? You can become an event sponsor to provide hope and healing through AdventHealth.

2 items. To interact with these items, press Control-Option-Shift-Right Arrow
  • HERizons Luncheon

    Join us for the next HERizons Luncheon and support women's health care initiatives voted on by members of our women's giving society each year.

HERizons Giving Circle

If Women's health and health care is your philanthropic passion, consider a donation through the Herizons Giving Circle. Your gift will be combined with gifts from a collective group of women who are focused on improving the health and well-being of women throughout Western North Carolina.