Your generosity goes a long way, and online giving makes it quick and easy to make a difference.

Give the Gift of Healing Support Our Team of Healers
Hope. Health. Healing. When you give to AdventHealth Gordon you’re bringing these gifts to your community. Help fund building projects like the Harris Radiation Therapy Center, which helps us care for people with cancer, and the CREATION Life Wellness Walk, a peaceful space where people can relax and reflect. Or support our dedicated staff and medical team as they provide comfort and peace for the people in our care.
There are many ways to support our mission. You can donate to AdventHealth Gordon, volunteer at the hospital, give a planned gift, or attend an event. Our non-profit hospital relies on your support to power our vision of a healthy community. Join us today in extending the healing ministry of Christ through service and ministry to others.
Help Us Spread Hope Learn How You Can Help AdventHealth Gordon
- About the Foundation
Since 1985, the AdventHealth Gordon Foundation has supported the hospital’s mission of care and compassion. Raising money for new equipment that will help us bring faster healing to the people we care for, funding building expansions that will make the people in our hospital more comfortable, and bringing health care to more members of the community than ever before — these are just some of the things our Foundation has accomplished.
We’ve also established the Nursing/Allied Health Scholarship Endowment Fund for students interested in the health-care field. We’re paving the way for future generations of nurses and physicians right here in our community. And with your help, we can do even more. Support our Foundation so we can keep providing the highest standard of care for those we serve.
To learn how you can support the Foundation, contact:
Garrett Nudd
President of the Foundation and Director of Marketing and Philanthropy
Call706-602-7800, ext. 2526
Fax: Call706-879-4709 - Ways to Give
Giving is a personal thing. That’s why we offer many ways to donate to our AdventHealth Gordon. Pick any one of the following planned gifts or donations, or combine them for an even greater impact.
Charitable Bequest
Create a legacy. Leave us a bequest in your will — as a fixed amount, a percentage, or a remainder of your estate. You’ll help us and reduce your family’s estate taxes at the same time.
Charitable Gift Annuity
Maximize the effect of your gift with a charitable gift annuity. You’ll get income-tax advantages and we'll get fixed payments back.
Charitable Remainder Trust
Establish a trust and watch your gift grow each year. You and your family can receive income-tax and capital-gains benefits, and we’ll receive funding for new projects to help our patients and staff.
Donation Form
Make a direct donation and we’ll start putting your gift to good use immediately. Fill out our Online Donation Form. Do it in honor of a loved one or choose to remain anonymous. It’s up to you.
IRA Rollover
Call your IRA administrator and transfer funds to our hospital rather than taking your required minimum distribution.
Life Insurance
Name us as a beneficiary of your life-insurance policy and keep giving for years to come.
Build something lasting. Transfer residential, commercial, forest, or farm property to us. You’ll receive income-tax benefits throughout your life, and we’ll receive the benefits of your generosity far into the future.
Transfer of Stock
Transfer an appreciated asset like stock and get an income-tax deduction.
- Wholeness Society
Becoming a member of the Wholeness Society is a way to ensure we are meeting strategic priorities and support the longevity of the Foundation for generations to come.
How to Join
- Team members who contribute $10 or more per pay period through payroll deduction
- Community members who contribute $25 per month or an annual gift greater than $300
Where the Funds Go
Members can assign their gift to a menu of directed fund options or funds will automatically be allocated to the Strategic Needs Fund.
Member Benefits
- Annual thank you gift
- Entered for special drawings
- Invitation to annual luncheon
- Custom Wholeness Society badge/lapel pin for team members
- Volunteer at Our Hospital
Sometimes the best gift is time. Spend some of yours helping our staff and medical team give hope and healing to patients and their families. As a hospital volunteer, you’ll help us raise money for special projects like The Baby Place and the Emergency Center. You’ll help our patients feel comfortable, and you’ll support our staff in their mission of healing. Our dedicated volunteer force is what keeps AdventHealth Gordon running.
Ready to make a difference? Fill out our Online Application or call Hannah Campbell at Call706-602-7800, ext. 2321 or Sharon Vess at Call706-602-7800, ext. 2439.
- Hospital Fundraising Events
Have a blast. Make a difference. Every year, we host a number of fundraiser events to unite the community and raise funds for our hospital’s upcoming projects. Come learn about the effects of your generosity, connect with members of the AdventHealth Gordon team, and have fun doing it.
Our Foundation hosts two major fundraising events each year: the AdventHealth Gordon Foundation Golf Classic and the Race Around the Rec 5K and Fun Run. Each year, the community rallies around these two events as an opportunity to build comradery, celebrate the community’s successes and most importantly, raise funds that will maximize community impact.
- Foundation Board of Directors
Garrett Nudd – President
Mike Davis – Chair
Peter Coombe
Larriann Dixon
Kimberly Fraker
Matt Hibberts
Jeni Ingersoll
Flipper McDaniel
Will Ostuw
Mark Pickett
Jim Rosencrance
Chris Self
Shirley Stepp
Rhoda Washington
- Nursing/Allied Health Scholarship
The AdventHealth Gordon Foundation established the Nursing/Allied Health Scholarship Endowment Fund for students interested in the health care field. We’re paving the way for future generations of nurses and physicians right here in our community.
The Foundation is now accepting applications for 2025. Applications are due to the Foundation office at AdventHealth Gordon no later than April 18, 2025, by 3 pm.
To drop off applications, the Foundation office is located in Resource Center 2 on the campus of AdventHealth Gordon. Or mail applications to: AdventHealth Gordon Foundation, PO Box 304, Calhoun, GA 30703.