Local Makeup Artist Volunteers for Beautiful You Program

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Beautiful You
(Fourth from right) Margaret Bohannon with a Beautiful You class.

AdventHealth Gordon offers many programs for cancer patients including Beautiful You, a program dedicated to supporting women as they go through cancer treatment by nurturing body, mind and spirit. The program provides patients with wigs, turbans and makeovers free of charge to help patients feel more like themselves.

“For a lot of women, losing their hair or their breast is like losing part of their identity,” said Christine Bond, RN, breast cancer care navigator at AdventHealth Gordon. “The Beautiful You program helps with this tremendously. It's extremely rewarding to see a patient look in the mirror after a makeover or after they receive their wig. The small, human things make a difference.”

Over the past year, Margaret Bohannon, local Merle Norman owner, has volunteered her services for the Beautiful You program. Along with an assistant, Margaret makes each woman feel special with a professional makeover and Merle Norman makeup kits.

“Through this program, I have met so many beautiful women,” said Bohannon. “I was touched every time I was there by their stories and their bravery. It’s just a powerful experience.”

“Margaret has shown such great dedication to our Beautiful You program,” said Bond. “We appreciate her so much. Her compassion for our patients is evident each time she is here.”

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