Hearts and Minds: How Your Mental Health Can Influence Your Risk of Heart Disease

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“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”

-Proverbs 4:23

We all know the symbolism of a “broken heart,” and it’s probably safe to say we understand what it means to have one. We share an unspoken understanding that our hearts, minds and bodies are connected at a deep level.

At AdventHealth, we strive to care for all of you — body, mind and spirit. Our skilled providers understand the impact our mental health can have on our bodies and vice versa. The latest research suggests it’s not just our lifestyle choices that speak to the connection between our mental and physical health — more specifically, matters of the heart.

Read on to learn more about the intrinsic connection between our hearts and minds, and how the state of our mental health can influence our heart disease risk.

The Heart—Mind Connection

Until recently, providers believed the correlation between our mental well-being and heart health came down to lifestyle choices. For example, a person suffering from anxiety, depression or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) might find relief from their symptoms through unhealthy habits like alcohol or tobacco use, overeating or undereating or not getting enough physical activity — all of which can impact heart health.

While it’s true that unhealthy behaviors will only make health conditions worse and should be avoided, there’s more to the story. Studies show the same biological factors that influence our mental health are at play when it comes to our heart health. Remember, our brains and bodies aren’t mutually exclusive; mental health conditions are caused by physiological phenomena, just like illnesses that we think are primarily physical.

Both biological pathways and behavioral choices brought on by mental illness impact our heart health. Here are some of the key findings:

  • Individuals who suffer from symptoms of mental illness over long periods are more at risk for heightened levels of cortisol (the stress hormone), increased heart rate and high blood pressure
  • Physical effects of constant stress can build up over time and lead to heart disease
  • Mental health disorders — like PTSD, depression and anxiety — can begin following a health event such as a heart attack or stroke
  • Mental illness increases the risk of poor lifestyle choices due to lack of coping strategies
  • Some medications used to treat mental health conditions have shown to have an impact on heart health

Risk Factors and Treatment Options

Individuals who are at high risk for heart disease based on their mental health include:

  • Couples where one or both individuals have PTSD
  • Ethnic and racial minorities
  • Veterans
  • Women

If you’re at risk, there are some steps you can take to protect yourself. Learn more about your family medical history and be aware of the signs and symptoms of common mental health conditions and heart disease.

Reach out to your health care provider or a cardiologist for a heart-to-heart about which conditions can impact heart disease and possible treatment options. Be proactive in living a heart-healthy lifestyle and minimizing your stress levels. Take mental health breaks when you need them, and consider seeing a mental health professional who can help you get to the bottom of what’s stressing you and provide tools to feel better.

Time for a Heart-to-Heart With Central Florida’s Heart Care Leader

From protecting your heart against heart disease to healing it, our cardiac care team is here to support you — in body, mind and spirit. To learn more or schedule an appointment, visit us here. You deserve to feel whole.

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