How CREATION Life Informs Our Patient Care

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AdventHealth Medical Group Spine Health has a mission to provide whole-person care for the body, mind and spirit and we take that calling very seriously. We understand how helping a person feel better isn't just about relieving their physical pain because other factors such as lifestyle, eating habits, emotional wellbeing and social interactions all directly impact how we feel and function on a daily basis. That's why we share AdventHealth's emphasis on CREATION Life and its core principles outlined below and apply these in every plan of care that we prescribe for our patients.

What is CREATION Life?

CREATION Life is a faith-based wellness program developed by AdventHealth to help our patients and employees live life to the fullest through strategic actions that are proven to extend the average lifespan and reduce the incidence of illness. The philosophy behind this program is explained by its eight core principles:

C is for Choice, and refers to the opportunity that each of us has to deliberately take a path toward greater health and happiness. Click here to learn about making good choices for your spine health.

R is for Rest, which is the great rejuvenator. This principle affirms the importance of getting proper sleep and learning relaxation techniques that can reduce the impacts of stress while lowering your blood pressure and otherwise helping your mind and body to function more effectively. See our Back to Basics videos for tips on sleeping positions that are best for your back, and check out our Spine U videos on selecting the best pillows and mattress for your spine.

E is for Environment, which is your physical surroundings. When you receive your health care in a pleasant, positive, and sparkling clean office that's equipped with state-of-the-art tools for helping you feel better, your confidence in your overall plan of care increases exponentially. Read why AdventHealth Medical Group Spine Health is a world-class destination for patient care in our latest Annual Report.

A is for Activity, and you can probably guess what this principle stands for. Getting regular physical exercise and undertaking activities that stimulate your brain is hugely important for safeguarding you against preventable illness and injury. In fact, regular exercise is one of the best predictors of a long and healthy life. Our physical therapists can teach you targeted exercises for strengthening your spine and speeding your recovery process.

T is for Trust, which is something we strive to build and nurture with each of our patients. We're proud of our patient testimonials that show how those who have received treatment at AdventHealth Medical Group Spine Health have benefitted by placing their trust in us. Just as important, every department at SHI has a designated Spiritual Ambassador available to help patients with their spiritual needs or even just to pray with them. This helps solidify a foundation of trust between our medical providers and patients.

I is for Interpersonal Relationships, which are the social fabric that connects us to each other and keeps us engaged through communication and commonly held values. Our Patient Care Coordinator is a designated contact person who helps patients navigate every step of their health care journey with a personal touch that makes them feel like a member of the family.

O is for Outlook and this principle is especially important. Never doubt the power of a positive attitude to help your healing process and strengthen your body, mind and spirit. Click here to learn how back pain and depression are often interrelated.

N is for Nutrition, an essential component of any healthy lifestyle. Believe it or not, making even small changes in your daily diet can lead to substantially better health outcomes. Our multidisciplinary team can educate you about foods with anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce your discomfort naturally. Some of those foods are noted in this blog post on ways to celebrate summer with less back pain.

Over the next several weeks, well go into more detail on each of the components that comprise the CREATION Life philosophy, and show you how they can be applied for achieving and maintaining your spine health. So stay tuned for our next blog post focusing on Choices you make that can dramatically benefit your back!

If you or a loved one suffer from chronic back or neck pain, Dr. Chetan Patel and the team at AdventHealth Medical Group Spine Health in Altamonte Springs, Fla. provide state-of-the-art diagnostics along with the most advanced and minimally invasive treatment options for a broad spectrum of spinal disorders. Contact us at Call407-303-5452.


8 Principles of Wellness (n.d.). Retrieved from

CREATION Life (n.d.). Retrieved from

How To Live To 100 (4/8/2009). Retrieved from

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