The 5 Vaccines Every Person Over Age 65 Should Consider
Here are five important vaccines that can help keep people age 65 and older as healthy and vibrant as possible.
Is your stomach ache something more than just abdominal pain caused by stress or bad food? We look at common culprits for discomfort, and when you should see your doctor.
Here are five important vaccines that can help keep people age 65 and older as healthy and vibrant as possible.
The most common side effect reported from those who have received a coronavirus vaccine is an injection-site reaction.
From the most routine shots to the newest COVID-19 vaccines, we’re here with immunization guidance for your family.
Adults and children need vaccines to help prevent disease. The types you need may depend on your age, health history or where you work and travel.
COVID-19 caused many people to miss critical appointments, including for cancer screenings.
For many who have recovered from coronavirus infection, life has returned (somewhat) to normal. But for many others, the physical and mental effects of the illness are still being felt months later.
The COVID-19 vaccine from Pfizer is safe, effective, and now available for children starting at age 12.
Even young people, those who had a relatively mild case, and individuals with no previous underlying health conditions have reported lasting problems from COVID-19.
Vaccinated people can visit with others who are fully vaccinated and, in some cases, those who are not vaccinated, but there are important safety precautions to follow no matter what.
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