Protect Your Skin in the Long, Hot Summer
For most of us, summer also means lots and lots of time in the sun. But all that wonderful sunshine also requires special attention to protecting your skin.
Is your stomach ache something more than just abdominal pain caused by stress or bad food? We look at common culprits for discomfort, and when you should see your doctor.
For most of us, summer also means lots and lots of time in the sun. But all that wonderful sunshine also requires special attention to protecting your skin.
Taking time for yourself can be challenging for many women. With family and work commitments, sometimes it’s tough to find the time or motivation to take a day to focus on you.
Learn about the health benefits of walking and running for exercise, along with key differences and similarities so you can pick the right pace for you.
Summer break from school means keeping the kids occupied. With all the added activities, it can be hard to manage your family’s busy schedule. Learn how.
Take it from an ER doctor: Be extra cautious with fireworks so your Fourth of July goes off with a bang. Read these doctor-approved steps.
Are sore, achy and swollen joints a sign of arthritis or just run-of-the-mill stiffness? Learn signs it might be arthritis.
Your primary care provider plays a key role in your physical and mental health. Learn how you can talk about mental health and get the support you need.
April 25th is celebrated as National DNA Day, commemorating the publishing of papers on the structure of DNA marking a new era in medicine. What can your DNA reveal about your health?
Are you not feeling the best but cannot figure out why? It might be time for a whole health evaluation. Read along as Megan Schlick, ND, explains how a whole health workup can help uncover the why and...
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