Pick Your Pace: Walk and Run Your Way to Whole Health
Learn about the health benefits of walking and running for exercise, along with key differences and similarities so you can pick the right pace for you.
Is your stomach ache something more than just abdominal pain caused by stress or bad food? We look at common culprits for discomfort, and when you should see your doctor.
Learn about the health benefits of walking and running for exercise, along with key differences and similarities so you can pick the right pace for you.
April 25th is celebrated as National DNA Day, commemorating the publishing of papers on the structure of DNA marking a new era in medicine. What can your DNA reveal about your health?
Are you not feeling the best but cannot figure out why? It might be time for a whole health evaluation. Read along as Megan Schlick, ND, explains how a whole health workup can help uncover the why and...
There are many reasons to have a PCP by your side, such as preventing life-limiting conditions and caring for the whole person. Learn about the importance of having a PCP.
Stretching can help reduce stress, relieve tension and encourage blood flow. Learn how to make time for stretch breaks.
A mental cleanse can help you tackle stressors and feel more content. Try deep breathing, stretching and unplugging for whole health.
Achieving spiritual wellness means accepting who you are and feeling whole within your body, mind and spirit.
Dark greens are among the most nutrient-dense foods we can easily eat every day – and for many good reasons, too. Follow along as Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Lisa Markley, explain the...
What is your blood pressure? This is vital information as high blood pressure is a risk factor for strokes, vascular dementia and heart attacks. Learn about the importance of monitoring your blood...
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