Caring for Your Loved One Caring for You
Your visits to our Lake County hospital can make all the difference. Your support and strength bring peace to your loved ones. By sharing a smile, offering kind words, and just spending time together, you show them how much you care.
In that same spirit, we want to show you how much we care. During your visit to AdventHealth Waterman, formerly Florida Hospital Waterman, you’ll find our nurses, staff, and volunteers offering kinds words, listening to your concerns, sharing smiles and tears — and many emotions in between. If you need anything, just ask! We’ve got you covered with everything from a hospital map and free hospital parking to spiritual guidance and an onsite chapel. Keep supporting your loved one. And when you need support from us, we’ll be right here.
Visiting Your Loved One Just Got Easier Resources for Visitors
At AdventHealth Waterman, formerly Florida Hospital Waterman, we've gathered the hospital information you need to help make your visit less stressful. Need anything else? Just ask!
Caring for Patients and the People Who Support Them Visitor Services
- Hospital Amenities
We’ve tried to think of everything to make your visit more comfortable. If you need anything else, all you have to do is ask.
Our cafeteria offers a wide selection of meals that are healthy and delicious. Pick a meal fresh off the grill or grab something to go. We’ve got soups, salads, deli sandwiches, and plenty more.
Open daily. Hours:
- Breakfast: 6:30 am to 9:30 am
- Lunch: 11 am to 2 pm
- Afternoon snack: 2 pm to 4 pm (soups, salads, and deli sandwiches)
- Dinner: 4 pm to 7 pm
Hospital Gift Shop
Need a gift that says, "I hope you feel better soon"? Our convenient onsite gift shop offers the perfect selection of cards, flowers, and other items.
Hospital gift shop hours:
- Monday - Friday : 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
- Saturday and Sunday: Closed
Pastoral Care and Chapel
As a faith-based hospital, we realize that in times of difficulty, a little spiritual support can go a long way. Whatever your faith, our pastoral-care team is eager to serve you — lending a few words of spiritual comfort, providing a religious ritual, praying with or for you, or just listening to your concerns. To speak with a spiritual adviser or chaplain, reach out to our Pastoral Care Department at Call352-253-3389.
When you need a safe, tranquil oasis, come to our onsite chapel — open 24/7 to visitors of all denominations. Located in the east atrium, it’s the perfect place to pray, read, or reflect in a quiet space.
You’re also welcome to join our bi-monthly worship service, Joy in the Morning, open to all staff, patients, visitors, physicians, and volunteers. Enjoy a special program and nurturing music.
Staying Connected
While you’re here visiting your loved one, you’ll never need to feel cut off from the rest of the world. Our free WiFi for visitors keeps you in touch at all times.
We also offer interpreter services for a number of foreign languages. To find out more, reach out to us at Call877-746-4674. If you need sign-language services, call us at Call352-323-0999.
- Parking Resources
Hospital Parking and Valet Services
Even before you step inside our hospital, you’ll find yourself in good hands. Take advantage of our free onsite hospital parking and complimentary golf cart shuttle service to minimize your stress and spend more time visiting with your loved one.
Complimentary valet is available Monday-Friday from 5am to 5pm at the main entrance to those with a disabled permit.
- Hospital Visiting Hours
Our hospital visitor hours are 7am-7pm. The rules are as follows:
- Visitors must enter through the main entrance and be screened.
- One visitor per patient per day.
- Children under 18 are not allowed inside the hospital.
- Pastoral Care
A hospital stay can be an unexpected, anxious and a lonely time, not only for loved ones, but family and friends as well. AdventHealth Waterman knows that your spiritual care is also an important part of the healing process. That’s why members of the Department of Pastoral Care are available to you and your loved ones during your time in the hospital, providing you with spiritual care and support.
Contact a Chaplain
Patients, their family members or friends can request a visit from a chaplain, and we are also available to assist clergy or other pastors coming to visit their congregants.
AdventHealth Waterman
Chaplain's office: Call352-253-3889

Feel Supported on Our Spiritual Care Hotline
Whatever you're facing, you're not alone. When you need a listening ear, the AdventHealth Spiritual Care Hotline is here for you at Call833-258-2414, Monday through Friday, from 10 am to 6 pm ET. Calls are free and confidential, and our caring team members will listen without judgment, offering prayer, support and additional resources, if needed.
Patient Belongings and Valuables
When visiting us, we recommend only bringing a few essential items with you. We are not responsible for any lost items, per our consent form. We suggest that any items that are brought with you to the hospital are sent home with your family or visitors.
If a valuable item that is not an assistive device cannot be sent home, please connect with your health care team to discuss the option of securing your belongings with our security team. Please let your health care team know about any items you have with you during your stay.
- Clothing
A hospital gown and non-skid socks will be provided to every patient. We recommend any clothes brought with you to the hospital be sent home with your family or visitors. Near the end of your stay, we suggest having your loved ones bring clothes to you shortly before transitioning from the hospital.
Please note that per our consent form, AdventHealth is not responsible for any lost items.
- Denture Care
We know that you need your dentures with you during your hospital stay. We will provide a denture cup for you to secure your dentures. This cup will stay with you at your bedside. Please be cautious of your denture cup, keeping it in a visible area and being careful to not place it on your food tray, in your linens or in a hidden area. This may cause your dentures to be accidentally removed from your room.
Please note that per our consent form, AdventHealth is not responsible for any lost items.
- Hearing Aids
We understand that you need your hearing aids during your hospital stay. Hearing aids are best kept on your person, or in their original case. If your original case is not available, please let your health care team know so that we can provide a case for you to use. Please do not leave your hearing aids unattended and be mindful to not place them on your food tray, in your linens or in a hidden area. This may cause your hearing aids to be accidentally removed from your room.
Please note that per our consent form, AdventHealth is not responsible for any lost items.
- Eyeglasses/Contact Lenses
We understand you need your glasses or contact lenses during your hospital stay. Glasses and contact lenses are best kept on your person, or in their original case. If an original case is not available, please let your health care team know so that we can provide a case for you to use. It is important that you do not place your glasses or contact lenses on your food tray, in your linens or in a hidden area. This may cause your glasses and/or contact lenses to be accidentally removed from your room.
Please note that per our consent form, AdventHealth is not responsible for any lost items.
- Wheelchairs, Walkers and Canes
Please make sure that any assistive devices are sent home with your family or visitors. Please ask your health care team about walkers, wheelchairs and canes that can be used during your stay in the hospital. We highly recommend that your personal assistive devices be labeled with your name.
Please note that per our consent form, AdventHealth is not responsible for any lost items.
- Medications
Please bring a list of current medications with you to the hospital, including any herbal supplements and over-the-counter medications. Please do not bring any of the medications themselves with you to the hospital. If any medications are brought with you, we ask that you send them home with your family or visitors. If they cannot be sent home, we will store them. We ask that medications not be stored at your bedside.
Please note that per our consent form, AdventHealth is not responsible for any lost items.